May 23, 2014

Your Way

Burger King changed their tag line from “Have It Your Way”, to “Be Your Way.” The company wants to tell people that, “they can and should live how they want anytime.” Seriously? What does that have to do with hamburgers? The Associated Press report on the BK thought process said, “It's OK to not be perfect ...Self-expression is most important and it's our differences that make us individuals instead of robots." It appears the fast food chain restaurant is adding another whopper to their menu — counseling services. Obviously the message is not about hamburgers and fries, but rather about molding and shaping the thinking of customers to be more inclusive. The message for believers must always be to live the way Jesus wants us to live. “For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths” (2 Tim 4:3-4 NIV).


Steve Corey said...


-----So this is really causing a little buzz. Char was telling me about it last night. I hadn’t heard. And at that time, I didn’t fully understand what it was she was talking about. Now that I see more clearly what the buzz is about, I’m going, “What’s the big deal?” God tells us the same thing, but not outright like Burger King has decided to do. Yet He implies with certainty that every man chooses his own way. Proverbs 16:9a, “A man’s mind plans his way.” “Choose this day whom you will serve,” in Joshua’s words. And you will own the way you choose.
-----Therefore, having set in it’s place the King of Burger’s agreement with the King of Kings’ rule, let’s look at their difference. Like Burger King, Joshua expressed it outright. But the King of Kings is more interested in people’s choosing life than death, because He is full of love. So, for us to be His way is the terms of the pleas He expresses in the Bible. And it is only by the implication of our having a choice in the matter that He exposes the fact we are indeed being our way. He does not want us being robots, either. He wants us desiring His way. So He outright calls us to desire it, leaving to speak for itself the fact that our choosing such a desire is our being our chosen way.
-----The King of Burgers, on the other hand, feigns love for us while effecting this hatred against us. In speaking outright the most natural feature of the human character - your way - the King of Burgers is meaning by implication something far more specific according to the way the human mind works.
-----If I had Methuselah’s lifetime, I would write a history told not in the doings of and happenings to people, but in the continuous stream of fads framing the public mindset from one social condition to the next. Now, there are meaningless fads, like the width of a guy’s tie, or even whether or not he wears one. And there are somewhat more portending fads, like wearing your cap backwards, or sideways, or any way other than the way it was meant to be worn. But there comes certain fads that are indeed very shaping of the deep soul of society and government. Like everyone knows in the back of his mind what the backward cap expresses, fears and incentives serve the fad of today’s gleichschaltung.
-----Don’t go shopping the dictionaries for that word. I’ve tried it. I learned it from Jonah Goldberg, and I’ve hung onto it tightly ever since. It described what I noticed about society in my early twenties. But that description was merely a milder form of the one from where it came. Mild or severe are one or the other thing. But form is form, which is the very reason I hung so tightly onto the term. The process of gleichschaltung is taking us precisely to the ways of the place of its origin.

Love you all,
Steve Corey

Steve Corey said...

-----To fully understand gleichschaltung, go to Wikipedia, “…a Nazi term for the process by which the Nazi regime successively established a system of totalitarian control and coordination over all aspects of society. The historian Richard J. Evans translated the term as ‘forcible-coordination’ in his most recent work on Nazi Germany. Among the goals of this policy were to bring about adherence to a specific doctrine and way of thinking and to control as many aspects of life as possible.” Think I’m a crackpot? Think there’s no Brownshirts in America? No “Young Maidens” or “League of German Maidens”? Require children to attend school, then require Common Core in the schools, and whalla! We’re NAZI’s now.
-----Of course, as I’ve said before, metaphor goes only so far. Our gleichschaltung differs from Hitler’s in that the social effecting power of Hitler’s came directly from the strong arm of his government. Our gleichschaltung comes not so directly. Deceit abides in shadows. Our government’s smiley face empowers certain social organizations with pressures capable of squeezing blood from turnips. If you don’t believe me, watch Donald Sterling now grovel where Paula Dean has groveled before. So also the Cincinnati Reds were extorted from Marge Schott, and Howard Cosell was shamed into retirement for shouting the same term of endearment on national TV that he lovingly applies to his grandchildren. Racism is bad, but empowering a crushing arm of totalitarianism because of it is downright evil. So also watch what happens to any conservative candidate who slips over the slightest ambiguity about abortion. Witness Todd Akin. I know what he meant. Those who smeared him knew what he meant. And anyone who knows how lustily enjoyed love one night becomes a terrible rape the morning after knows what he meant. But gleichschaltung made it an opportunity to sound “the horn, pipe, lyre, trigon, harp, bagpipe, and every kind of music” (Dan 3:5) calling all America to bow and worship the golden statue of “choice“. Gleichschaltung rolled off Duck Dynasty like, well, water off a duck. But that was only because Duck Dynasty was already commanding more popularity diametrically opposed to LGBT than LGBT could itself muster. But you know what happens when the lion goes hungry after missing its kill. He goes looking twice as intently for someone else to devour. I think the King of Burgers realized painting himself like a rainbow might save him from the lion more surely than would a fast run for the tall grass. Notice how vociferously the Associated Press licked this King’s boots, showing you how to do it, too! Or else! Will we wait long before his menu sports the Lettuce Garlic Burger -n- Tomatoes?
-----I would love to go on. But I have to go on to my work now, and I think you get my drift. People of wisdom who have chosen the King of King’s way to be their way understand that gleichschaltung involves the rise of the beast out of the sea. Like Godzilla has risen in a thousand movies before, first you see the waves, a couple times you see the ominous hint of a terrifying feature, a Haman, a Nero, a Napoleon, then a Hitler. Though the beast will rise only in its appointed day, gleichschaltung forms it under those waves before our very eyes.