February 27, 2015

Tax Season

This week we filed our income tax and it is such a relief. For whatever reason I always feel like I can’t begin the New Year until the old year is put to rest. For many of us paying taxes is mentally and financially painful. I’m wondering if our preachers aren’t missing a good sermon opportunity by not reminding us of why we pay taxes. “This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing. Give everyone what you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor” (Ro 13:6-7 NIV).

1 comment:

Steve Corey said...


-----What can we say about those to whom we pay taxes? They are God’s servants. But “governing” has a broad scope. It’s core is sovereign authority. But who by God’s authority is given authority over us? The President? He is the ultimate authority? Of course not. Neither is Congress. Some believe the Supreme Court is. But they are mistaken. The Supreme Court’s authority is an interpretive authority, not a legislative one. What is it that the Supreme Court interprets? OK. I’ll rephrase the question. What is the Supreme Court is supposed to interpret? Yah. The Constitution. It is the sovereign government God set to serve us.
-----Then how can we pay taxes to the Constitution? It’s just a piece of paper with writing on it. Yet the writing is the key. I suppose we must get completely basic, since too many people have fallen ignorant to the point of thinking elected representatives make whatever laws they want. Communication is the passing of specific ideas from one mind to another. It happens through code called language, such that the author makes his idea into code. The reader must abide by the same code to receive the author’s idea. This is reading. It requires interpretation of the code. If one fails at interpreting the code, he is not reading. If one has read and knows the idea, its interpretation is complete. The only interpretation remaining is of the circumstances of the case to determine how they shall fit the idea. Any attempt to reshape the idea to fit the circumstances of the case is to break faith with the code, the reading, the intention of the author, the government. Have we seen this?
-----Our government is despised by Democrats and Republicans today. Our government is one that severely limit’s the powers and authorities of the people’s representatives who temporarily serve to us the encoded ideas. But the people electing their representatives have gotten so greedy and selfish that legislating their desires can no longer happen within the boundaries of our government (The Constitution.) So the elected representatives must start lying to meet the objectives of pleasing selfish people.
-----Lying is rearrangement of reality in the minds of a targeted group. It is theft. By it that group no longer has a mental relationship with reality by which to operate his life. Lying is the worst of theft because it steals another’s very being. Those who must lie to govern are not our government. The Constitution is our government. Those who govern must govern within the encoded concepts of the Constitution. Otherwise they are thieving power by thieving reality. They are our enemies.
-----Do you need examples? Study what those who constructed our Constitution regarded “natural-born citizen” to mean, then notice what the Imposter-in-Chief says it means. Last Summer, on the first day of the ObamaCare case, the Supreme Court ruled the shared responsibility payment to be a penalty, not a tax, so that the Court could even hear the case. If it were a tax, the Court could not have heard the case at all. Then, on the last day of the case, to find ObamaCare constitutional, Roberts ruled the payment to be a tax, not a penalty. Now, on which end of that case was the lie? And if you look in all of the subsequent IRS literature about the shared responsibility payment, it’s called a penalty, not a tax. Is that bold face enough for you? It is for me! And we sit and take the theft of our government in peace.
-----Besides being the way and the life, Jesus Christ is the Truth. Are we to worship the truth by accepting lies? Not me. To whom should we pay taxes? To lying thieves? Or to the Constitution developed by the integrity of honest men walking with God? We the people, as the final defense of our government, the Constitution, were given the Second Amendment. I suppose we should let the lying thieves have it, too, since we’re not using it.

Love you all,
Steve Corey