April 28, 2015

The Fear of God

The Supreme Court agreed to hear the issue of gay marriage and across America churches united in prayer over the upcoming decision. In the church I visited on Sunday one woman prayed publically, “Father, we pray that you will put the fear of God in the Supreme Court. Reveal to the Supremes that it is You who have Supremacy.” We all know people who do not fear God, but it never occurred to me that I could pray for someone to be filled with the fear of God. “The fear of the LORD leads to life: Then one rests content, untouched by trouble” (Proverbs 19:23 NIV).

1 comment:

Steve Corey said...


-----I admire, respect, and encourage such prayer. But I am afraid I’ve lost any hope that our land or this world will get much of anything right heretofore. God tells us to pray for our leaders, and politics in the days of the Bible’s writing were worse than they are in this country today. So. If praying for those warts was worth the Bible’s bidding, then so is praying for these of our day. It’s just that I am in total recoil over the public acceptance of such blatantly obvious lies pouring forth from Washington like a flood. Look who our geniuses confirmed to be attorney general last week! Loretta Lynch oversaw the investigation of HSBC for maybe the biggest international, drug related, money laundering operation in history. In spite of responsible journalists bringing forth thousands of documents demonstrating broad criminal activity by the big bank in this scheme, it was turned back out to sea with just a fine, a massive fine in our estimation, yet a pittance of HSBC’s harvest from the fields of drug running and money laundering.
-----This is not out of the ordinary for the world. This kind of activity is not even out of the ordinary for our once great country, not even when it was great. For people are human. And amongst every population of them are worse than rotten ones slick and slimy enough to get themselves elected to our public offices and appointed to our court benches. This kind of stuff is normal behavior.
-----What is not as normal is the news treatment. I remember the endless months of attack Nixon. On and on and on and on and on and on and on went the continuous search for any and every tiny detail the finest toothed comb could dredge up from the very roots of his administration. The constant ABC, CBS, NBC drumbeat of ominous exposure facing him was laid on every man, woman, and child’s plate breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Some think the media treatment was overkill for such a two-bit, buffoonish scheme launched probably by a few bad cups in Nixon’s cabinet. But the beef and potatoes was all about Nixon’s cover-up. And it was served with giant smotherings of gravy.
-----It also served its purpose. Nixon’s administration came to an end. The people did not want deceit in their Whitehouse in those days. They would not even put up with bumbling. President “Fill-in” Ford was dumped for a bigger bumbler yet, before the American people righted their ship with Reagan. But the incessant media attacks upon one of the greatest presidents in US history showed that by then something had turned to poison in the pantries of the newsrooms. And the American people have been fed from those pantries ever since. Today, bumbling, outright and blatantly obvious lying, and even criminal activities are all tolerated by both the viperous media and a growing, lecherous majority of American citizens.
-----Thank God His children yet pray for our rusting, rotting government. My faith and wisdom are not up to their par. But if I might be allowed to make a bit of suggestion anyway, our government’s roots and beginnings are not in Washington. Prayer for our leaders needs to go beyond D.C. to prayer for a very deceitful media and a very deceived public who are the supports of all American government.

Love you all,
Steve Corey