June 17, 2015

Who is Your Father

The head of the Spokane NAACP, Rachel Dolezal, identifies herself as African-American and she even produced a photograph next to an older black man claiming him as her father. However her biological parents, who are both Caucasian, have just exposed her deception. It’s interesting that she rejected her white biological father and, because of the lies and deception, it appears that she has also rejected her Heavenly Father. “You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desire. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies” (John 8:44 NIV).

1 comment:

Steve Corey said...


-----Rachel wanted to be a leader. She wanted to be significant. She wanted to impress her perceptions upon other people, so that, as if those people were a mirror, she could admire her reflection in the differences she was making upon them. Maybe she did believe in her perceptions and was confident they would make life better.
-----How do I know this? I don’t. I’m just guessing. But it is a guess educated by the fact which you also pointed out: her position in the NAACP was born of the lie to which she gave herself. Two concepts should remain permanently attached to one another in the fore of our thinking - humility and the truth. Humility is our part of the truth. We don’t make the truth, we discover it. And humility is simply the willingness to reshape any of our perceptions found incongruent with reality, or just lop them off if they can not be conformed. Therefore, humility gives half the reigns of your life into reality‘s hand. By giving things the same space in our perceptions which they command in reality, we must bend some to find a proper fit even with what we do not like. Those of us who know the Lord spend our entire, temporal lives in situations largely made of sin, selfishness, and deceit. Rainbow cakes for newly wed guys have demonstrated to several godly bakers how demanding reality can be, and that change is not always to the shape you envisioned for your future. Rachel’s lie demonstrated she was not willing to allow reality any control beyond her own desires. That’s the educated part of my guess.
-----Why did Jesus say the greatest amongst us must be the least? Again, this is about humility. True leaders will delightfully be the least. Their ambitions are set upon truly beneficial effects for those they lead. To know those effects they must know the people they lead and desire what they desire that is also beneficial to them. The leader who presses for all his own ideas about what is good and beneficial and desirable for the people is not the people’s leader; he is their conqueror (Nicolaitan.) Any leader who comes amongst a group of people knowing what is good, looking to what the people desire, and selecting his efforts using both those criteria must be least of all the people. From his honor he edifies what and who the people are unto the best these can be for the Lord. For he knows the Lord wants the people being the best they are rather than the best he is.
-----The leader who must transform people to his own ideas worships his own significance. The leader who must transform the people by elevating and polishing their ideas with the Word of God worships the Lord’s significance by honoring his fellow men. There is no lie in his heart, because he knows he must find reality where it truly is to make the godly influence it truly needs. Therefore, truth is the core of the real leader’s being, and humility is the process of moving by truth. Self significance moves by lies.

Love you all,
Steve Corey