October 18, 2007

What's Happin'n

Almost without exception when someone asks, ‘How are things going?’ we respond in generic terms like ‘fine, not bad, or things could be worse.’ For the most part no one has time to listen to a lengthy reply and actually we’ve conditioned ourselves to expect very little from the cliché courtesy question. We might be surprised if we began asking one another, ‘Spiritually speaking, how are things going?’ Personally, I think the Spirit within us is just itching for the opportunity to share and somehow I just can’t picture Him saying, “Oh, I’m fine…I’m doing pretty good considering…things could be a lot worse.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

-----I always try to find some funny, yet rather relevant way to answer when someone asks how I am doing. One of my favorites is along the line, “Well. I thought I was getting ahead in this rat-race till I looked down and saw rat tracks stretching out to the horizon.” Something like that usually leads to a bit of good conversation. And I think a lot of people do it, too, because I’ve heard some pretty cute ones.
-----Then, when someone asks, “Hey, Steve! How’s the world treating you,” if I’ve got a few moments to talk, I try to always answer perfectly straight forward, “Oh, man! The world is treating me terrible.” That response is so unexpected it almost always draws a come-on. Of course, I then add, “The world never has treated me well. Shoot, it never treats anyone well. It is Jesus Christ Who treats us well. We just don’t recognize that too often.” If it’s a brother or sister in the Lord I’m talking too, I’ll know it in an instant. It sets the whole tone of our friendship after that, too. But if it’s not a brother or sister, it usually draws a perplexed look, or even a bit of an, “Uhg!” Which is also fun.