January 07, 2009

Dark Horse

It’s interesting watching those who are jockeying for political appointments. The media gives us a list of favorite front runners and then from out of nowhere a dark horse crosses the finish line. You’ve got to love those surprise endings…unless of course you are the one left in the dust. Often those who are rejected want to blame someone or something for their defeat. I’ve noticed it’s a little hard for believers to play the blame game when they know that it’s God who, “…sets up kings and deposes them.” Daniel 2:21

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


-----I’ve tried to pierce through the confusion of my life by seeking purpose. But purpose has always appeared elusive to me. When I was yet an adolescent, I perceived my purpose was to be a great husband and father. I directed my life towards that goal, even attending four years of Bible college so I would know how to apply the Book having all the authoritative instruction for being a great husband and father. But the events of my life did not contain that appointment until I was thirty-six. This was greatly confusing to me. Even after I received my appointment as a husband and father, my proposal to be great at it has yet evaded me. I am hardly willing to lay claim to being good. I tend to feel I have failed my appointment. And I blame myself.
-----But I don’t lay hold to despair. I know my path is mine, but the steps of my feet are the Lord’s. Looking back over the forty years since my adolescence, I have traveled the same path through life, and I am a husband and father. My stumbling in it was over rocks and underbrush as I tried to order even my own steps instead of humbly allowing God to bring them to fall where they needed. However, I kept heart to press on in the same path by understanding that each step had a purpose of its own, whether God was somehow able to place it accurately, or whether I muffed it into another snare. They each served Him by at least what He could make of its effect upon others.
-----So I live my life understanding that I must maintain enough control to stay on the path, yet not hold so tightly to my control that God can not bring my steps to fall where they may, where He needs them. If I were on the path of politics, if I failed to achieve appointment to a particular office, I would need to understand it as a step directed by God. I would need to understand that some other area where I could benefit God and society would soon be in my political path. So I would need to stay my heart and my course, looking for my next opportunity to be useful. To fuss and whine and throw an orderly fit would be a momentary snare.
-----Each of our paths is important to God, but not one is an ultimate necessity. So what is in our path today is good for today. Whether or not it is what we thought it should have been, ultimately God can make some use of it. That is the glory of what He is. And it makes our lives ok, if not good, or great. At least we are useful.

Love you all,
Steve Corey