February 06, 2009

Code of Silence

There is a program being implemented in some schools called Safe2Tell. The program is an avenue for students and parents to give information to school faculty and law enforcement anonymously. It is reported that in crisis situations, 81% of the time (suicide, drugs, fights, threats to students) someone knew about it, but didn’t tell. The Safe2Tell staff knows that by breaking the code of silence they can save lives. They hope to get across to youth that it’s not a betrayal to inform on their friends…but failing to get help for their friend, is betrayal. I think we could use a Safe2Tell program in the church. Sin amongst believers can at times be blatant and yet we don’t get help for our friends. “Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:13 NIV

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


-----Safe2Tell bothers me deeply. It would not bother me at all if our leaders were more in line with the simple truths about life, or if our society had not become their mindless mass. But they hold both the power to act upon the information divulged from the program, and the power to define what is a crisis situation with little objection from the mindless mass. Some of the “crisis situations” our government is trying to define are Mom and Dad owning firearms, Mom and Dad taking children to church, Mom and Dad teaching self-control over sexual desire, teaching children that homosexuality is wrong, and government forbid, teaching that government is straying far from what is right. I bet you could think of more.
-----You know me well enough to know I strongly subscribe to a philosophy that recognizes the errors in everything man attempts. Since man falls short of perfection, what he does falls short as well. Therefore, even in the best of his efforts there is a risk of error spinning it out of control. The more humble and given to the search for truth government is, the smaller is this risk. But our government has now become mostly populated by Progressives (whom I still think are more accurately referred to as Regressives.) They are not humble. They are in search for humanity’s detachment from the Word of God, for they think humanity is on an evolutionary trek towards a new reality free from the Word.
-----Eventually the Safe2Tell program meant to alleviate the problems of suicide, drugs, fights, threats to students, etc. will become very useful to the Regressives in ferreting out the last of those who stand against their pursuit of humanism. This same activity has been used in the past by the Nazis, the Bolsheviks, the Italian Fascists, and other populist movements who’ve accepted their political leaders with a religious zeal. Seeing our new President being accepted with a religious zeal heightens my concern.
-----I think we should be happy to use the Safe2Tell program only if we are careful to respond from sane caution against any hint of its possible abuse.

Love you all,
Steve Corey