March 04, 2009

Dog Fight

We are now hearing what’s in the stimulus package and while it may be good news for some, it’s not for others. Because of the stipulations, the size of my community is either too large or too small to qualify for the coveted funding of shovel-ready projects. Granted, those who do get the funding will be taken off priority lists, giving some of the rest of us a chance to get on a list…but I anticipate it’s going to be a dog fight for any funding scraps we try to get. I can so identify with the Canaanite woman who knelt before Jesus asking for help. In parable form Jesus told her He was sent to the Jews, not to the Canaanites. She responded, “Yes, Lord, but even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters’ table.” Matt 15:27 NIV

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


-----Everyone is focused on the economy while the real issue is about to eat us alive. A few months ago Rahm Emanuel stated that a good crisis should never go to waste. During the 2006 election cycle another Progressive (please allow me hereafter to use a more accurate term: Regressive) senator cheerfully exclaimed that for every one-hundred points the stock market dropped the Democrats picked up another point in the polls. Jonah Goldberg, in his book “Liberal Fascism” wrote, “Crisis is routinely identified as a core mechanism of fascism because it short-circuits debate and democratic deliberation. Hence all fascistic movements commit considerable energy to prolonging a heightened state of emergency.” Two facets of human nature within a crisis offer authoritarian leadership an opportunity for greater control: ignorance and fear. Fear searches for a parent in the time of need, and ignorance fails to vet the one that is found.
People will believe almost anything when hope is promised while they are scared stiff.
-----During the first two decades of last century, Regressives worked the uneducated masses into a mindset that became the fascistic moment of Western society. In the third decade, Stalin had already enslaved the souls of Russia, Hitler was mesmerizing the Germans, and around the world Mussolini was affectionately called Il Deuce. In America FDR was being so widely received by the ignorant, panic-stricken masses of the depression that his secretary of interior and the chief crafter of the New Deal, Harold Ickes, warned him the public was close to forming an unconscious link between four names: Stalin, Mussolini, Hitler, and Roosevelt. Of course, wouldn’t you know, our Regressively saturated government schools have never taught how close to fascism America drifted, because Hitler embarrassed the hell out of them. Instead, they had to deny their very own involvement in fascism and blame it all onto conservatives.
-----I’ve heard folks wonder about exactly what differentiates conservatives and liberals (Regressives.) You must cut through all the political hype and focus on the seminal elements of the two movements to truly know what is their difference. The conservative is a child of the American Revolution. It broke from empirical tyranny by referencing basic inalienable rights given to every person by God. Therefore it looked to God as the founder of justice, to man as having a the right to justice, and to government as the fallible dispenser of justice, which should never come between a man and his God given rights. The American people were set free during the American Revolution. The Regressive is a child of the French Revolution. It broke from empirical tyranny by a few iconic leaders surfing the waves of populist fury washing through the uneducated, starving, panicked, French masses. It referenced the will of the people for the empowerment of the government. Wherever the will of the people flowed, the government was carried. God was dead. A new age and a new order was at hand. Thus “Progressive” was the misnomer applied to it. They would create a new world, a utopian society where the interests of the masses were dictated by the state, and every individual was expected to conform. Tens of thousands were guillotined during the French Revolution.
-----Earlier in “Liberal Fascism” Jonah Goldberg wrote, “From health care to gun control to global warming, liberals insist that we need to ‘get beyond politics’ and ’put ideological differences behind us’ in order to do ‘the people’s business.’ The experts and scientists know what to do, we are told; therefore the time for debate is over. This, albeit in a nicer and more benign form, is the logic of fascism.” Liberalism looks to the power of populism to control the individual, just as does fascism. Neither cares about the careful debate and deliberation two opposing sides must encounter to find a truth embraceable by all. Neither cares about God. Both replace God with man.
-----That is why I insist they are “Regressives” instead of “Progressives.” Adam and Eve replaced God with man. Cain carried their ideology to its furthest extent, although he didn’t use a guillotine. At the Tower of Babel, one government ruled all mankind, and it stood opposed to God. It is not a new order the Regressives seek, it is an old, old order. The true Progressives are the conservatives who would have only enough government to keep the peace and secure the borders so every individual can live his life to the best of his ability, enjoying the choices of his freedom, and looking to the hope of a world made only better by man, and perfected only by God.
-----While we all pout about the near collapse of our economy and drool over how much money Washington might give us, we forget it is our money before it is theirs, and we forget that Washington denies this point. We fail to understand that from lust for power and control the government is appropriating money before it even exists, before it can even be our money. And they do it to only gain our support. They are pouring these massive amounts into their experiments - seven hundred billion dollars last Fall and eight hundred billion dollars this Winter, with yet more to come, - nearly $ 13,000 of additional government debt for every family in America to address at the same time they will be expected to support two Baby-Boomer retirees through a collapsing social security program! And we are told we must do this or we will drop into a deep depression!? In other words, be scared as Hell so you won’t think of a better solution and seek different leaders to implement it!
-----For decades conservatives have been warning us of the dire effects a liberal media lock-stepping with liberal politicians will have through the support of an ignorant populace. Now here it is at our doorstep! A government seeking to shut down debate, insisting their experiments are the only option since the time for debate has ended, stirring up fear and populist sentiments, creating the perception that they are the only parent who can save us from doom, and poking dissenting voices into dark and silent holes. What response are we seeing across the country in our local governments? A jockeying for position to receive the meager sprinkling of corn around the chicken yard! When all the corn is pecked up, the chickens will need to cluck for more because no consideration will have been given to the industry the chickens themselves should have been encouraged to maintain. So they will perpetually need to feed at the boots of the provider, the Federal government, the fascist experiment. This is the real issue: our individual freedoms, self dependency, and the competence these instill will all have been exchanged for a kernel of corn from a fascist boot.
-----Forget the money! It is time for a peaceful revolution. There are community groups forming across this land to discuss the bondage threatening our way of life and how to fight it. Seek them out and join them. If you can’t find them, start them. Whatever you do, don’t trust the boot or the kernel. But at least do something as an individual before we all become the Borg. And don’t believe resistance is futile. Resistance will at least verify your integrity.

Love you all,
Steve Corey