March 24, 2009


The Associated Press reported on a humanist ‘congregation’ in Cambridge, Mass that is “church-like, with its parenting classes, guest speakers and small group meetings to hash out sacred beliefs.” Humanist chaplin Greg Epstein is freely borrowing methodology from evangelical churches in an effort to grow God-free congregations. I really can’t fault the chaplin. His marketing efforts seem no different than mainstream evangelical churches borrowing from the world in order to attract the world. Sadly we too sometimes appear God-free.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


-----We find the church and the humanists now using the same methodologies, because those methodologies work. I believe it is another brick being laid in the structure that will become the false prophet of Revelation. It provides a familiarity that will make it easier for people of different faiths to blend together. But before the Revelation moment actually develops, it is good enough for the Deceiver that common street-folk be duped an inch at a time towards that moment by shifty leaders. And that is just what works so well about these methodologies being shared by our contemporary churches and their humanist neighbors. They are leader-friendly.
-----In the third chapter of I Corinthians, Paul warns about following leaders. Jesus instructed us to never call any man “Father”. The church does not need methodologies making human leadership effective. Although the Bible makes a place for elders, deacons, preachers, and the likes, that place is not as leaders of organizations. Their place is as leaders of people, and not rule-maker leaders, but shepherding leaders. The difference is big. The rule-making, organization leader leads to grow and strengthen his rules and organizations. The shepherding leader leads people to what they need. The first leader decides what people need, the latter discovers people’s needs. The first serves his organization, the latter serves the Lord’s people.
-----The Holy Spirit does not need methodologies to do His work in the church. In fact, just as so much history in the Bible demonstrates, He works better when man gets out of the way with his improvising, tinkering tendencies. What the Holy Spirit needs in His people is sincerity and commitment to the Word. With these He moves His people around as He needs them, supplies support to the weak, and knits interaction into a community of believers.

Love you all,
Steve Corey