March 19, 2009

Oral Argument

When lawyers present an oral argument before the Supreme Court, they don’t expect a decision from the Justices right away. The court has no time limit on how long it takes to render it’s opinion, other than the decisions must be made before the summer recess. The Justices’ decisions can take days, weeks or even months. I’d say that sounds remarkably similar to our oral arguments before God.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


-----From our side of life, we see the things we think should happen to make life what we think it should be. Then we offer our arguments to God as if we have it figured out. But He also sees life, and He sees it with total clarity. In fact, He has it planned. So I am sure He knows the answers to our appeals when we make them, however, He will work them in their proper timing. We need to continually train ourselves to look at life from the side God sees. Though we might never be great at it, we definitely can get better.

Love you all,
Steve Corey