April 13, 2011

All For Sport

It is amazing how nasty local politics can be. Working together, associating with one another and living in the same community means nothing when it comes to throwing someone under the bus. Actually I’m learning that some good can come out of being thrown under the bus…another few trips under there and I’ll be a certified mechanic. It’s hard to imagine the amount of thought that goes into planning, plotting and scheming. Or the energy needed to seed an audience with naysayers, rebel rousers and dissenters. I’m especially intrigued by questions that are planted which are intended to trap others. I’d like to believe that this type of corrosive behavior never occurs in people of faith…and then I recall the Chief Priests, the Pharisees and the teachers of the law. They plotted ways to kill Jesus, they asked questions to trap Him and they enticed the crowd to ask for Barabbas. Sounds like local politics to me.

1 comment:

Steve Corey said...


-----The state of politics everywhere is a shameful mess. Something ungodly moves below its surface, and it has an unnerving connection with human nature. Generally speaking, people have a craving for something more, something better, or at least anything new and different. In itself, such a craving is not bad. But like a good revolver can be used for defense or offense, craving can be bent towards right or wrong.
-----Many say the seeds of the modern world were sewn in the fifteenth century. I agree. In fact, I believe the tree grown from that sewing is in full bloom and near to bearing its evil fruit. It was in that century the common folk grew restless of princes, kings, priests, and Popes. The sea of them was almost like a baby discovering its hands and feet as they began to realize their identity extended beyond just being subjects to also being persons with interests of their own. That would have been good if they had also realized subjection was more a part of human nature than was craving. It was not something to be thrown off, but to be personally moved from the natures of evil to the nature of godliness. But the natures of evil were too subtle for that and the cravings of the soul too strong. The breadth of education was thin enough to free Machiavelli against humanity’s possibilities like a match to a napkin.
-----A lot can be said for the sciences and philosophies that developed since. But their attempted reburial of Jesus Christ has drowned His truth in a sea of misled minds where the Beast has had opportunity to feast on these wandering tuna, growing fat and strong for his coming rise. Had mankind been careful to bring along with him a realization of his subjection to a truth he does not himself make but must discover in all humility, the Beast would have starved and sunk to the bottom long ago. But alas, humanity’s touted freedom is a real subjection to a subtle yet pervasive deceit which kills the mind to both the possibility of actual truth and the likelihood of simple decency towards his fellow.
-----You are experiencing these effects right here from our own neighbors. The same effects are now plain to see across our country. The waters of the whole world are beginning to stir above the churnings of that fat and sassy Beast. But thank God what humanity holds in general is only one choice for any soul in particular. We have chosen the other waters where the Word is true, the Christ is risen, and the Holy Spirit stirs. Although I must yet eat and sleep in this world, I consider myself only a spectator.

Love you all,
Steve Corey