April 18, 2011

Fallen World

I have to admit I like TV crime dramas that use profilers to catch the bad guy. The most recent real life drama is now being played out in New York State where authorities have discovered 10 bodies on or near the beach. The media says that they are likely looking for a serial killer. I should hope so. The alternative is that there could possibly be 10 separate murderers at-large. When I think of the multitude of data and case studies that are needed to come up with a working profile, it brings home the stark reality of what a fallen world we live in.

1 comment:

Steve Corey said...


-----The godliness of my own profile drops many percentage points while I watch TV and movies. It doesn’t suffer because I enjoy or participate in the disgusting behavior and social principles our entertainers portray; it languishes from the four letter adjectives I spit into the air while discussing the trash put on public display as gold. As I continue trying to salt my speech with expressions beneficial to His emerging kingdom, I still stumble into the same old filth hyped as acceptable and ordinary, because I understand the systemic effect the arts have upon human behavior.
-----From the Emmies and Grammies to the Nobel Peace Prize, avenues for raising icons to pinnacles of public perception are availed with great fanfare to show the unwashed masses whose ideas are in and whose are out. Of course, to the one getting “a star on thar’s”, it primarily means money because of popularity. But the secondary effect can not be denied when we’ve so commonly seen these star spangled artists paraded through the halls of Congress as being wells of deep, precious wisdom. But knowing that tens of millions of heart strings are tied to their every word and action is the only reason they are regarded as such makes me spit nails. Wisdom and popularity are not synonymous! In fact, in this world they are quite the antonyms. Yet the influence of the highly awarded flows into society’s living rooms like a poisoned flood.
-----The Bible is the mythical bunk of psychotically deranged religious fanatics is the intuitive tidbit meant to detach everyone from accountability to anything other than the emerging collective consciousness of mankind. Oh! For sure, they admit it has many wonderful things to say about goodness and hope and such. But these are things which can only be enjoyed after all humanity has abandoned individuality for the providence of unity. Somehow, the brightness of science is to carry us into the bliss of an existence having god relegated to the level of the tooth-fairy.
-----The fact that these highly held stars must continue to serve blood, guts, and mayhem for entertaining the general populace should quite clearly indicate the foolishness of their presumptions as well as the impossibility of anything carrying this despairing species into blissfulness without its actual transformation. The real-life crime program you enjoy watching, the chaos in the evening news, and the sad stuff happening in our own community further indicates their failure. Even if some level of decorum higher than actually held in society had been predominately portrayed by these decorated icons, I think you would have fewer real life TV crime dramas to watch. And I think if they had been truly honoring God as God in their portrayals of life in general, you would have very few to watch and I would not stumble over so many four letter adjectives.

Love you all,
Steve Corey