March 15, 2012

In Need

A middle aged woman, accompanied by her quiet and unassuming boyfriend, would occasionally attend our worship services and then she would ask for financial assistance. Eventually our leadership stipulated that the church would give her a hand-up, not a hand-out, but only if she attended regularly and become a part of the fellowship…and for a time she did. The woman has now moved on, but every Sunday the boyfriend slips quietly into a seat and joins us for worship. We use our human wisdom to identify those in need, but Jesus has His target audience and it’s not always who we think it would be. “When Jesus reached the spot, he looked up and said to him, “Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house today.” (Luke 19:5 NIV)


Steve Corey said...


-----Generosity is scary. You often do not completely know when you are satisfying a person’s true need or just being hoodwinked. But in your church’s experience, I see a good example of why it is important to be generous in the face of uncertainty and wise in what we give. Who knows what she has moved on to or why, but your love and effort evidently made enough impression upon him that he was able to discern the greater need in his life and open it up to the Lord’s provision in your good company.

Love you all,
Steve Corey

jennifer anderson said...
