March 23, 2012


I am attending classes on Emergency Preparedness and we had a chance to visit the Emergency Operations Center, but only six of us took advantage of the opportunity. Some people in the class said they didn’t get a notice. At our last meeting the attendance was down and one classmate told the facilitator, “I had it on my calendar so I knew about the class, but you didn’t send out a reminder, so some people may have forgotten.” The facilitator replied, “At the last meeting we all agreed on the time and the place for this meeting. Everyone has a calendar and it’s not my job to send out a reminder.” He then added, “In an emergency no one will be sending you a reminder.” Can’t you just see people standing before the Lord on Judgment Day saying, ‘But You didn’t send us out a reminder’?


Steve Corey said...


-----Our eyes and ears are too little. We can only see a few feet with good resolution, well enough to read anyway. Sure, we can see for miles in the right conditions. But we can perceive no more than the most basic stuff about what we see that far away. And our hearing doesn’t even begin to connect with sounds so distant. Our perceptions are confined to what is no more than a few feet away. If we could see and hear all around the world as if we were right there in the presence of everything happening everywhere, if we were able to comprehend it all as it happens, beasts and bugs and birds and fish tearing each other asunder to eat for their own self survival, everywhere, constantly, and people doing the same in a less dramatic manner by cheating and tricking one another for their own advantage, and even here, there, and yonder injuring and killing each other at all moments of the time they have been given by God, then we would perceive the continuous emergency in which we live. Moreover, accident and disease and natural disaster kill and cripple many more all the time somewhere, not to mention a continuous dying from plain old age. It never ceases. And it won’t be stopped until God knows His purposes have been completed. Until then we live in this state of constant emergency, we merely don't feel it because we don't immediately perceive it. Even when things are pleasant and odors sweet and there seems to be not a care for a moment, there is still a war being waged, a leopard tearing the leg off a gazelle, much too much destruction to list or even comprehend. The only thing that makes our place so pleasant is that we can not see all the hell being unleashed just next door. We live in an emergency. God is kind not to remind us. He is loving to promise our way out of it even though we ourselves create some of it.

Love you all,
Steve Corey

Pumice said...

Actually, yes, I can see it.

Grace and peace.