March 13, 2007


The topic of my recent leadership class was diversity in our community. In a politically correct manner we addressed tolerance and inclusion. The panel discussion touched on everything from race, to handicaps, to sexual orientation. In sharing our thoughts a young male classmate said, “The problem [with diversity] in this area are all the Christian conservatives.” During a break the instructor approached our small group and wanted to know how the session was being received and understood. Personally, the homosexual issue is a door I’d rather not open – but she started it, so what were we to do? I’m always amazed at the notion that Christians are free to set aside Biblical instructions for the sake of the secular agenda. The instructor ended the side bar by saying to a couple of us, “So what you’re saying is that you’re really not flexible. I’m surprised.” So much for diversity.


Anonymous said...

The only time Christians are considered to have diversity is when their opinions are in line with the secular world. Isn't it amazing that we are required to accept their opinions, but they will not tolerate ours, and even call us names. Diversity?

Anonymous said...

I surely agree with your blog today. I have fellow church members/friends that are vocal about abortions being ok, & in one case, I believe a person is ok with same sex relationships -- at least with someone they know or are related to. It probably is easier if we can pick & choose what we consider sins & we can avoid those for the time being.

Anonymous said...

-----It should not be surprising that any inflexible system should be set aside by proponents of diversity. They also set aside the likes of white-supremests and radical Muslim terrorists (when they are backed against a wall). They are looking to accept whatever promotes the accept-whatever acknowledge-everything mentality. Biblical Christianity does not do that. So it must go into the night quietly, tarred and feathered.
-----Decades ago they set aside the truth as a rational object for our ambitions. Everything became focused on the self and its perception. Reality has no more consistency. Traditionally accepted principles have no more meaning. And social boundaries are now out of bounds.
-----When America’s norms were established by reference to Christian principles, it was okay to expect Americans to rather behave Biblically. But all of that having been thrown out, the Christian stands by and allows the godless and the arrogant to define the terms of our culture. America finds itself receding further into the foul depths of a garbage dump known as secularism. And in as much as America is actually a democratic-republic whose people predominantly profess Christianity but live secularism, it is no longer proper for the Biblically-knowledgeable Christian to expect America to reflect its churches. As sad as it is, it is a nation choosing to dig deeper into the garbage dump rather than to pick its way back to the edge where more discerning folks hang out.
-----I believe that we have arrived at this travesty because good Christians have for too long strived to live the exemplary life without searching out the Biblically accurate life. A few handfuls of quotable Bible verses, a few lived-out Biblical principles, several more professed Biblical principles, and going to church on Sundays has fleshed out the Christian life while social militants have been infiltrating the leisure rooms. Highly insufficient for impressing the barbarian neighbor, and more insufficient for recognizing and dispatching the militants from the seats of influence, this form of Christian life produces few compelling insights and even less personal engagement of what is dissolving the Biblical wisdom from the fabric of our society. And what is worse, this has been the lifestyle of most of the church pillars.
-----And now that it has been discovered that our seat in the communication center has been overtaken by the chimpanzees, harpies, and vultures of a hedonistic society, our newly chosen church leaders think it is proper to re-attract its non-attentive masses by delivering the Christian message through the same venue that the chimpanzees, harpies, and vultures use. Look at how many good Christians have been harped out of the church or into silence by the constant insulting of their traditional understandings. It is hardly possible to expect the Christian message to attract America back to an attitude of moral discernment when her newly selected leaders are acting just like the intolerant harbingers of tolerance who have thrown her out the back door. Should we expected much more?