March 27, 2007


The scandal at Walter Reed Army Medical Center continues to be in the news. I appreciate the media exposure of shabby medical treatment, living conditions and ridiculous red tape that our military personnel have dealt with. However, I can’t imagine anyone wishing this scandal had remained unexposed - unless of course you were one of the heads that rolled. Sometimes Christianity is no different than Walter Reed. Whether it’s our personal life, or the life of the church, exposure of a spiritually neglected house forces us to make improvements.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

-----I am going to agree with you about the necessity of the exposure of this bit of carelessness. There was house-cleaning to be done. There were many affected by the mess. And it was all placed in the public eye for the effect of public pressure. However, when the “scandal” is replaced back into the context from which it was removed, a greater scandal yet appears.
-----For years now we have heard long and loud shouts about things such as panties on the heads of American held detainees, but short and quiet peeps about scorched American bodies hanging from an Iraqi bridge. We have been forced to hear repeatedly for months and months and months, “Bush lied and people died,” while not even a squeak is made regarding the testimony given by the number two general of Saddam’s air force about how Saddam smuggled his WMDs into Syria before Desert Freedom began. We hear daily of a despicable bombing-a-day in Baghdad and the misery created by such, but we rarely hear of the schools now open to the Iraqi girls, the children freed from the prisons, and the grateful parents who are willing to face such horrors as bombings to be freed from the tyranny of Saddam, and remain free of tyrants who could be worse. We hear multiples of messages that tend to lead the careless mind to believe W’s America is just that tyrant occupying Iraq, while we are starved of the images of Muslim radicals flying jet-loads of our friends and neighbors into buildings, cutting off the heads of good folk gone to their country to help, and miserable threats of future terrorism breathed during such mayhem. If that is not enough context to reveal the scandal, there are countless other hospitals, both private and governmental, in this country and in others that are worse messes than was Walter Reed’s recovery unit. Yet the Walter Reed unit was exposed so shortly on the heals of the drumming-into-jail of Scooter Libby for his inability to remember the chronology of a couple conversations held several months prior, none of which had to do with any crime! Quiet was kept the theft of secret documents by Bill Clinton’s former national security advisor, Sandy Berger, which was a crime! And shortly after the Walter Reed “scandal” we are now being served a constant drumming upon Alberto Gonzales for carrying out the totally legal orders of his boss, W, to fire eight Federal Attorneys. Every mention by the media of this action could correctly (and should) be accompanied by the clear mention that the action was as legal as Bill Clinton’s firing of all ninety-three Federal Attorneys upon taking office in 1993! And among those ninety-three attorneys were two who were working on scandals of Bill and Hillary’s and of his national security advisor mentioned above!
-----No, Gail, the real scandal here is that most news today is brought to us by the service of liberal, Democrat, political wonks with a definite motive to humiliate, impugn, and castigate all conservative thought and any Republican who dares align with that thought. The scandal is that the information system of this country is highly biased to the left (a few of whose ideas are important to the spiritual and political health of our society), and that that constant bias is slowly developing a schizophrenic tendency in our nation which can lead to nothing but weakness and decline. This story was merely more of the same continuous, liberal drum beat: “Bush is bad…Bush is bad…Bush is bad…Republicans got to go…Bush is Bad…Bush is Bad…Bush is Bad…Republicans got to go.” The story itself apparently was true. But it was obviously played up and it certainly does not represent a house-cleaning. In fact, this media is not only not interested in cleaning the house, it has fed all the barn-yard animals caster-oil and locked them in the house till their business of bias has completely passed. It is no wonder that most Christians sit around talking about how it will be Jesus’ duty to clean this mess rather than grabbing the shovels, chasing the animals out of the house, and getting busy. But, there will come a time, I assure you, when this - the actual scandal - must be cleaned up.