June 16, 2008

Out of Sequence

Right now I have a multi-generational household and we’re all on different schedules. A couple of us may eat breakfast around the same time, however one may be finishing their meal while another is just starting. Since we don’t always sit down to the breakfast table at the same time, we also don’t pray together. A couple days ago I was multi-tasking in my head and forgot to pray until I already had a bit of warm buttery cheese omelet in my mouth. I stopped chewing and tried to thank the Lord, but it just didn’t work. The flavor in my mouth overrode the words in my head. When I finished chewing the unblessed bite, swallowed and again began to pray. I apologized to God…I really was sorry for losing my focus. I felt like I needed to repent before I ask for God’s blessing. It was awkward. Usually when I wake up in the morning I feel like I have a clean slate. I’m just not used to having to repent before 8:00 am.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

-----God knows what we need and want even before we ask. So why even pray? There must be more to it than merely communicating ideas. Evidently, it also has to do with developing and maintaining attitudes and perspectives. And if those are to be formal and reverent, assembled from countless, nobly worded prayers sent with impeccable poise, then I have a problem. My prayers seem to be much off the cuff and rather informal, especially when I am scooting up to lunch, alone. But they say what I mean, which is thanks and blessing. And that kind of helps me to keep the straight forward attitude.

Steve Corey