August 05, 2008


Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman all appear to be normal human beings…until they put on their form fitting, crime stopping attire. I think believers too can appear like the average person on the street, until they put on the Full Amour of God (Eph 6:11). Even then however, those around them probably won’t recognize that the believer is dressed up and ready to fight the good fight. For me it actually seems easier to tell when someone isn’t wearing the armor of God than it is to tell when they are. It’s not that the armor is invisible, it’s just that I don’t look at others thinking, I wonder if he’s wearing the belt of truth under his jacket and is that the helmet of salvation tucked under his arm? I think I should be more observant when it comes to a fellow believer’s armor. Maybe if I started complimenting people on their armor just as I would if I noticed them wearing a new dress or jacket. Hey, great looking sword…Wow, that’s a shinny breastplate you’ve got there…, I’m sure Nike can’t compete with those nifty readiness shoes you’re wearing. Just for grins I think when I see the preacher next Sunday I’m gonna tell him he’s got a great looking helmet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

-----Char and I recently purchased an air-tight stove from a local dealer. The salesman was very pleasant. In fact, his demeanor went beyond just calm, collected, and respectful. There was a personable air of decency about him, a sort of caring gentleness that seemed to have less to do with selling stoves and more to do with the presence of another. I finally recognized it as his armor when the Lord and church crossed our topics of conversation. I felt my relationship with the Lord needed a bit of buffing since I needed such a direct queue to recognize his armor.

Steve Corey