January 14, 2009


Even though people are divided by religious beliefs they can be unified by life’s circumstances. When ten lepers cried out to Jesus to have pity on them, he told them to go and show themselves to the priest. One of the ten was doubly unclean, because not only did he have leprosy, he was also a Samaritan. You’ve got to love it that this guy didn’t let his nationality keep him from the opportunity to be healed. All ten lepers were cleansed while on their way to see the priest, but it was only the Samaritan who returned to thank Jesus. Sending the Samaritan on his way Jesus said, “Rise and go; your faith has made you well.” It’s a good thing this Samaritan didn’t have to catch up with the other nine. I doubt if any ‘self-respecting’ priest would have come near him with or without the leprosy. (Luke 17:11-19)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

-----Unity is a concept that applies to circles of topic. Plants have unity in their immobility, being rooted into the ground and lacking a muscular and nervous system. Animals have unity in their mobility, having both of what plants lack. Both plants and animals have unity in being living organisms rather than inanimate objects. Everyone alive has unity in life experiences, generally speaking. Everyone has joyful experiences, sad experiences, healthy times, and ill times. The ten lepers were unified in their approach to Jesus for healing. But only the Samaritan leper had unity with Jesus, only he returned to thank Jesus.
-----I believe you indicated the topic of unity amongst His children, for which the Bible calls, by drawing attention to its antithesis. The Samaritan did not go with the other ten straight to the self-respecting priests while forgetting Jesus. The Samaritan was not self-respecting like those nine lepers and the priests were. The Samaritan was other-respecting, like Jesus is. He came to Jesus in the first place because the differences between their beliefs was not an issue. He knew the issue was the ability Jesus had, not His Judaism. And Jesus healed him because Jesus knew the issue was his need, not his Samaritanism. Jesus and the Samaritan acted in unity because they had more respect for each other than for themselves.

Steve Corey