June 04, 2009

Out of This World

It’s not unusual for some of us to get weary of this life. Older folks who are spiritually healthy but physically suffering will often say, “I don’t know why the Lord doesn’t just take me home.” We know in our mind that our timing is not the Lord’s, but that doesn’t keep us from trying to tell Him when we think we’re used up and good for nothing. Even the disciples would have opted for heaven sooner rather than later. Jesus has another plan, “My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one.” John 17:15 NIV

1 comment:

Steve Corey said...


-----The life given to the Lord is never used up and good for nothing. The reason Jesus prayed for His Father not to take us out of this world but to protect us from evil is that our lives in Him are messages in a universe separated from Him. No matter how much function our bodies may loose from injury or old age, the message remains: our hope is not in the conditions of this broken life, but in the perfect life Christ will give us at the proper time. The looking forward to that life and holding it as more valuable than this one is its delivery. Injury and old age simply make the message more prominent, and the expression of the joy of that hope makes it more believable.

Love you all,
Steve Corey