July 29, 2009

Bumper Sticker

The bumper sticker on a small truck being towed by a large motor home read, “Please be patient with me, I’m pushing this big trailer.” Sort of reminds me of how some of us feel when we’re doing the Lord’s work. We think we’re the ones who are pushing forth the Lord’s agenda and doing the heavy lifting, when in reality it’s the Lord who is motoring along and pulling us with Him. Jesus said, “Come, follow me…” not come give me a push.

1 comment:

Steve Corey said...


-----Your illustration could not be more pertinent. God comes into the individual, for it is the individual whom He desires to save, so He relates to the individual respective of the individual’s limitations. And it is because of those limitations that the individual does only some of His work, and is only a part of the church. But the individual must bear his own limitations in mind, lest he naively accepts that the work he does is all important, and that he defines the church. Unfortunately, this naiveté is all too prevalent in the church, and all the more so within those who do the more work in it.
-----Although it is actually the Lord towing each small truck, He does it through the individual as the driver and by Biblical attitudes alive in the individual through His Spirit as the motor home’s pulling force. He has chosen to subject the towing of the small truck to the human condition of the frailty and error of the driver's mind, since the regeneration of the mind is neither immediate nor an elimination of it. Therefore, the going forth of the motor home/truck unit is not without some error in its course, and the more the small truck perceives it is pushing, the more the error.

Love you all,
Steve Corey