July 17, 2009


We’ve all experienced a time when we could tell we weren’t as loved as someone else. Maybe it was realizing that brother Bob was Mom’s favorite, or finding out that our best friend in the whole world has a new best friend. In our human nature some of us work very hard to keep the favored status or regain what was lost. Jesus very pointedly tells us where He expects to be on our love-scale, “Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me…” (Matt 10:37 NIV)

1 comment:

Steve Corey said...


-----I was fortunate enough to have parents who knew the Lord. I did not have to make a choice between them or Jesus. But the principle does not end at simply accepting Jesus. Two thousand years of history has added many opposing layers of theologies and philosophies to what it is to belong to Jesus. They can not all be right. When a person desires to know the Lord and His principles as accurately as he can, he may find himself taking some positions opposite of those with whom he is close. That means their positions will need to be rejected, at least inwardly, regardless of the love for their holders. This is not healthy to group think. When group think is minimized in the church, her richness is increased. Continuing to love the Lord means to grow in knowledge of Him while retaining the desire and ambition to know as accurately as possible, no matter who might object.

Love you all,
Steve Corey