March 01, 2010

Are You Really My Dad?

Our local newspaper just reported on a father and son finding each other through Facebook after 25 years of separation. As I read the story, a modern day parable of the Prodigal Son unfolded. The father reacted to the end of his 25 year search, “My jaw hit the floor, and I was wondering if I would ever find him. I would look at that [picture] and think about him all the time.” When the father first saw a picture of his son on the computer he pointed to the screen and screamed, “There you are! My heart was so full of joy…” The son’s message to the father was, “Are you really my dad?” and he responded “Yes!” I can imagine those who’ve been estranged from God returning to Him saying, “Are you really my dad?” and He answers, “Yes!”

1 comment:

Steve Corey said...

A Little Proof


-----The prodigal son’s dad was overjoyed to see him return. God is overjoyed to see someone return to Him. But the prodigal son’s dad also made it very easy for him to return. He wasn’t waiting with a list of what his son must be and do before he would received. God also takes us back at the point of our turning. And although the training for a new life begins at that point, it is at that time perfected. His Spirit helps us get things right even though we continue to get many things wrong. Still He holds His peace with us and floods us with joy. His graciousness towards us as we walk up that road to Him is reflected in the prayer Jesus taught us. Recognizing our Father in His holiness, desiring His kingdom to come in and around us, submitting to His will for us in our present condition, we ask for the things we need before we ask for the forgiveness we receive. Only a loving God, truly desiring His imperfect children to travel that road until they have completely reached home would be ready to hear our needs before our confessions. Yes! He really is our Dad!

Love you all,
Steve Corey