March 30, 2010


Most of us put little stock in the fortunes that come out of a fortune cookie, but I like to play a mental game with them to see if the sentiment is Biblically sound. A few months ago I had one that said, “For light, go directly to the source of the light, not any reflections.” I thought I could make a spiritual application, because even though we reflect the Lord’s glory, that reflection comes from the Lord – the Light. (2 Cor 3:18) My most recent fortune cookie however, has left me no spiritual connection. It reads, “Oops… Wrong cookie.”

1 comment:

Steve Corey said...


-----By making man in His own image, God gave him the ability to reason. He obviously expected man to use that ability in knowing Him. The Bible reveals only five men God directly communicated with in the time from Adam to Abraham: Adam, Cain, Enoch, Noah, and Melchizedek. Surely Adam had concrete knowledge about God, having experienced His actual presence before the fall. And God was direct in however much He communicated to Enoch, Noah, and Melchizedek. But the rest had to apply reason to shared experience and imagine God the best they could. Although God began to introduce Himself more clearly to Abraham, it was not until the time of Moses that we began to receive His Word in a form which could be passed around and read. This does not indicate He desired man not to know Him. It indicates His desire for man to carefully reason between what is right and wrong and between what is true and false.
-----“All religions lead to God,” is passed about like it is the shiniest gem of any insight. But it is the form of deception made by twisting and embellishing a small grain of truth. Through man’s ability to reason, the merciful care God takes of every living person forms insights about Him that can be very true, yet will remain very general until His Word to man is stirred into the mix. That all religions desire to seek God is the grain of truth. And the grain remains true only until the attempt to seek God crosses paths with God’s own revelation about Himself and then fails to receive it. So it can be said that all religions cross paths at certain points with God’s actual revelations.
-----So it does not surprise me that a fortune cookie might ring a general truth. It surprises me a bit more when it rings a specific truth. But these are just paths of truisms crossing the path of truth - intersections at which wisdom would beckon one to turn into the way that really does lead to God. And we all have the same reasoning process happening in our own hearts and minds. If God’s Word had revealed every aspect and detail about life in Him and the road to Him, it would be many libraries rather than just one book. He gives us just the basic points in His Book, then through reason and experience, we must connect the dots. I bet any one of us could make lots of insightful fortune cookies out of our own connections.

Love you all,
Steve Corey