March 16, 2010

Falling Rock

We recently had a huge rockslide in Glenwood Canyon that closed I-70 for a few days and the interstate is now down to single lane traffic. In one place there is a 10 by 20 foot hole punched through the upper deck of the highway. As CDOT workers and experts assessed the damage they had one eye on the road and the other eye on the canyon wall searching for more unstable rocks. I’m not sure how you’d get out of the way of a boulder even if you saw it coming. One driver who’d gone through the canyon 90 minutes before the rockslide breathed a grateful sigh of relief that no one was injured. If the report is correct, this same man had survived a bolder hitting his car 2004, an incident which took his wife’s life. It’s frightening to think about rocks falling on you and yet John writes, “Then the kings of the earth and the great ones and the generals and the rich and the powerful, and everyone, slave and free, hid themselves in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains, calling to the mountains and rocks, "Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who is seated on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb.” (Rev 6:15-16 ESV) Apparently these folks would rather take their chances with falling rocks than with the returning Christ.

1 comment:

Steve Corey said...


-----Jesus said, “...whoever would save his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.” (Matt 16:25) The kings and the rich and everyone desiring the mountains and rocks to fall upon them for shelter shows how desperately fools will seek to save even a pitiful shred of life. At this point in the final hour of our present age, man’s life will have been ripped to pieces by evil government, war, famine, plague, demoralizing darkness, and devastating earthquake. Everything they will have owned and depended upon for life support will have been destroyed; they will have nothing left but their own selves. Their system of narcissistic selfishness will be brought to an end before their eyes, and still they will refuse to surrender themselves to the Lord.
-----Barack Obama has pledged to fundamentally transform America. Observing the misery his comrades created in the last two decades makes it plain to see that he is transforming us into a population of whining victims greedily grasping at any pitiful little shred of life and calling upon an evil government for care and shelter. The substance of his hope and change has been social and economic justice, a system where the wretched depend upon a thieving government to steal for them from the hard working and productive. It is certainly a system of refusal to lose life. It is an evil that has welled up in all the world, not just America. It denies dependence upon God through faith in Christ, in fact, it rejects the very idea of Christ. Scoffing at surrender to Him, it sets up mankind as a self-sufficient, self-governed collective trusting in its own capability of building whatever it needs for survival. And it views itself as supreme.
-----Like Babel before it, this collective of life clinging wretches will face a day of real transformation. Its social and economic justice will be scrapped for the ancient system of faith, hope, and charity. In these people seek to grasp Christ instead of self, hoping He has something better for them than the shreds they called life, joyfully caring for and supporting each other simply because they have found life. The Christ from whom everyone will hide in the rocks will be cleaning the earth for the life found by everyone who willingly lost theirs for Him. There is no need to hide.

Love you all,
Steve Corey