April 11, 2011

Sugarcoated Blessings

Most of my adult life I have half-jokingly told others, ‘The Lord gives me just enough to pay bills and get by…He doesn’t seem to ever let me get ahead.’ My seven year-old grandson David brought me up short when he prayed over his breakfast of Cocoa Krispies, “…and thank you God that we can buy things we don’t need.”


Pumice said...

Out of the mouths of babes.

Grace and peace

Steve Corey said...


-----Even needs have a way of dissipating when cross examined. I am sure the world could get by without cell phones. It might slow down somewhat, but that wouldn’t break my heart. With a bit of extra planning, my family could get by with two vehicles instead of three. With only a bit of extra inconvenience, we could get by with one instead of two. Then, have you noticed how our own perceptions of the future tend to determine the needs for today? When I perceived my career skills and abilities were accounting oriented, I needed a college education. My daughter wants some sort of office career, so she needs one too. But really, we don’t know the future any further than sensible speculation will allow. And sensible speculation would certainly have misperceived the future if Jesus were to actually return by midnight tonight. If that were the case, then even a meal or a drink of water would no longer fit the definition of a need.

Love you all,
Steve Corey