February 23, 2012

Lesser of Two Evils

Many of us bemoan that with the slate of candidates running for office we really don’t like either, or in some cases, any of the candidates. More and more we hear voters saying, ‘It’s going to boil down to the lesser of two evils’. As I look at this from God’s perspective, He disagrees. The person elected will be God’s candidate of choice and His decision won’t be based on degrees of evil. “Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every authority instituted among men: whether to the king, as the supreme authority, or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right.” (1 Peter 2:13-14NIV)

1 comment:

Steve Corey said...


-----That every authority instituted among men is for governing or punishing is no statement that every man in a place of authority has been personally selected by God for his righteousness and integrity. There have been truly despicable characters set into places of authority. Adolf Hitler was the product of an election. Would God disagree with our assessment of Hitler’s character? Did God deem Hitler to be a righteous man for leading Germany into utopian bliss? What about Idi Amin? Did God set him in Uganda’s seat of authority because he was a sweetie, sweet sweetheart? Maybe God put Fidel Castro at Cuba’s control so he could send Chi Rivera into the streets to make jollies with the people. Chi got as much of a kick from putting the pistol to the back of heads as did Mao Zedong. In fact, history has packed its pages with truly detestable people sitting in the instituted places of authority.
-----But maybe America is different. Maybe God blesses America with all the upright and righteous leaders, the ones who have barred prayer from schools, the ones who fight to make legal the sucking of a baby’s brains from its head while still in the birth canal, the ones who strive to teach our children to honor Adam’s marriage to Steve and maybe even try it, too. Possibly the worst atrocity brought upon America by her "God-selected upright leaders" is that of tolerance. Oh, not tolerance of the Judeo-Christian standards, for sure. They wouldn't dare tolerate those! But tolerance of anything which might turn your crank other than those.
-----I agree that people sitting in places of authority sit there for God’s purposes. I also believe God purposed my brother to miss a stop sign and die between two colliding vehicles. This week a baby girl had half her face bit off by a pit bull. God purposed that, too. By the time you’ve read this much of what I have to say at least two people have met gruesome deaths by accident or murder. By the time you figure you’d waste your time to read any further, so will another - all according to God’s purposes. Everything happens according to His purposes. That doesn’t mean we just give up and live carelessly and murderously. We exercise extreme caution in all we do so maybe God’s purpose for us will not be so gruesome.
-----And we should vote that way, too. No two people are alike. Some do one thing better than another. Some do the other better than the one. Some are more honest, some less, some smarter, and some are made of a collectivist mentality, while others are of a laissez-faire fabric. God will have what we elect into the Whitehouse, and it will be His purpose. But until we elect another train wreck, we yet have an opportunity to elect something better. We should have considered this when deciding between McCain, Romney, and Huckabee. At least we now have opportunity to consider it while deciding between Santorum, Romney, and Gingrich (uh, yah, I know, Ron Paul, too.).

Love you all,
Steve Corey