February 29, 2012

Unfamiliar Territory

I’m just not getting along with the traffic enforcement in the Denver metro area. My last trip I was in an unfamiliar area of town which was under road construction. I made an improper lane change…which wouldn’t have been a problem if it wouldn’t have been for the police car behind me. Thankfully I was given only a warning ticket along with a smile and a courtesy compliment, “You look like a nice lady.” When I reflect on my early years as a believer I can see some similarities where I found myself in unfamiliar Scriptural territory and jumping lanes of Biblical thought. Thank goodness for all those warnings I received from the Sunday School and Bible Study Police.

1 comment:

Steve Corey said...


-----Pardon me while I sit back and draw in deeply this breathe of fresh air. Sometimes it seems the Bible has been written on rubber, as much as people want the freedom to stretch and wrap it around their own ideas. And I know there must be a certain amount of allowance for the fact we all see dimly as in a mirror. I even give extra leeway in hope of recognizing another as a brother. But if I were having open heart surgery, I would certainly expect the good doctor to have read his textbooks for the meaning their authors intended more than for whatever he wanted to see in them. The church will continue to bounce down the barrow pit as long as sincere and sober disciples are expected to hold their peace so everyone else gets a chance to see the Scriptures their own way. Reading what the Lord spoke to the Church at Laodicea - the final period of church history - it is quite apparent that most are going to continue enjoying rubber Bibles.

Love you all,
Steve Corey