June 26, 2012

Fading Authority

I see an interesting common denominator with some of our community agitators. Many of them come from a career in the military where they retired as either officers or high ranking enlisted personnel. These folks are accustomed to giving orders and having subordinates jump-to. When civilians fail to respond, the old-timers get indignant, demanding and assertive. It’s a good lesson for those of us in the church. If the Lord moves you to a new position in building the kingdom, don’t just assume that your past authority moves with you.

1 comment:

Steve Corey said...


-----No matter what wrapper you put around it, it’s called arrogance, and it is destructive. But then, so are the particular weaknesses of everyone else. Thankfully, the strengths of the Lord are what matters. Forgiveness and forbearance are for the weaknesses as we all continue to press on.

Love you all,
Steve Corey