June 12, 2012


Yesterday in the VA medical clinic waiting room there was an old WWII Veteran and his wife. Each had matching wheeled walkers and they were accompanied by their elderly friend who brought them in for a doctor’s appointment. The vet came back from seeing the doctor looking dejected and a solemn, halting conversation ensued.
Vet: “The doctor said I can’t drive anymore.” His wife gently patted his knee.

Wife: “I guess we knew this was coming.”

Friend: “But it still hurts.”

Vet: “We’ll have to sell the house.”

Wife: “We could move closer into town where we can walk to the store.”

Vet: “Neither one of us can walk.”

Wife: “Well at least we won’t have to buy gas for the car since we can’t drive it.”

Vet: “We’ll have to buy gas for the car if we keep it…I guess we could sell the car.”

Wife: “Well, I think we can cancel the appointment with eye doctor, don’t you?”

From my bird’s eye view my heart went out to all three of the old-timers as they grieved the loss of a driver’s license and tried to formulate plans for the future.  Jesus reminded me, “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” (Matt 6:34 NIV)

1 comment:

Steve Corey said...


-----As Jesus went from town to town crowds gathered around Him for healing. He even resurrected a few dead folks. The same effect followed His apostles. But as many as went and were healed went not and were not, and more. In fact, the bigger population of the world proceeded obliviously about their business and were not healed either. As many as went and were healed or even raised from the dead eventually died. The rest did too. And we all have been getting sick, and hurt, and growing old, and accruing troubles, and dying ever since. It is the way of the world. I love the wife’s final comment. Our joy does not come from being relieved of life’s troubles. It comes from responding to them correctly.

Love you all,
Steve Corey