June 15, 2012

In Defense

Recently I worked with a group of women for a couple days and one seemed to go out of her way to throw barbs at me…all under the guise of making a joke, of course. Because we were working in one room there was no escaping her jabs and by the end of day two I felt like I was back in junior high. She eventually stopped, I suppose because she wasn’t getting the reaction she wanted. As I rehashed the situation in my mind I think what bothered me more than her playground antics was the fact that none of the other women stepped forward to defuse or deflect any of the comments. If we believers can’t even come to one another’s defense, it’s no wonder we fail miserably to follow the Lord’s example, “Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.” (John 15:13 NIV)

1 comment:

Steve Corey said...


-----That it is possible your situation with this woman played out the best it could in no way detracts from the truth of your point. This lady may have been fishing for a reaction of any kind from anyone by which to make a big scene at what would then seem someone else’s instigation. Your non-response was Biblical and effective. Since she eventually stopped, everyone else’s non-response may have also been proper. Very important situations too often do not work out so well. Your point remains painfully true. People are not prone to come to each other’s aid. Nor do they often enough confront transgression against the group as a whole. It is the reason why so much cultural garbage piles up on our streets. Too few of us have the guts to step up to the line between right and wrong and point out what of a situation needs adjustment.
-----This is one of the most important ways we need each other, not just for our own personal security, but for the integrity of society as a whole. We have so ignored this duty it is now unlawful to speak against one of the most spiritually degrading sins. Gay lifestyle is becoming a sidelight in all too many movies and sitcoms and reality shows and everywhere you look. We have so failed this duty that we now have a President hiding his real birth certificate behind a barrage of popular fanaticism against any demand for its showing knowing twice as much public silence will also wink away his dual-citizenship status while he exempts by presidential order a whole class of illegal non-citizens from Federal immigration laws. The civility of any group, whether it be church, country, or volunteer team depends upon its members kindly and gently calling out misbehavior until the misbehavior is finally acknowledged and resolved. Otherwise, the misbehavior wins. That's just fine with rebels; our silence is their success.

Love you all,
Steve Corey