November 05, 2012

Goodbye Cruel World

The front page headline in the local paper said, “Storm cruel to elderly who refused to leave.” When one 90 woman was asked why she didn’t heed the warnings of hurricane Sandy she said, “I’m tired, I don’t want to go.” It’s interesting that the story goes on to suggest the storm was crueler to the elderly than it was to younger victims. Generally speaking it seems to me that everyone in the path of the storm had the same warning and the same amount of time to evacuate. I suppose I expected the wisdom of the elderly to prompt them to action; while the foolishness of the young would led them to feel invincible and indestructible. Apparently the opposite is true. As I consider the Gospel message I have to wonder if some of the elderly who fail to heed the salvation warning are themselves saying, “I’m tired, I don’t want to go.”

1 comment:

Steve Corey said...


-----One of the many things that fascinate me about this world is the indiscretion with which it wreaks its havoc. It does not sort the elderly from the young from the middle aged and treat each differently. When the ground proceeds to rock and roll, whoever is standing upon it will go down. When the tornado comes to twist things up or the hurricane to carry your goods into the next county, whoever is in their way flies away. Whether it is volcanoes, draught, tsunamis, a rat carried plague, or a foolish minded electorate, everyone in the zone is effected. Any differentiation in the severity of the effect is by only wise forethought and preparation, complete happenstance, or God’s intervention. And the last two can be for either good or bad regardless of the first.

Love you all,
Steve Corey