November 23, 2012

Life Giving

Usually when we donate to a blood bank we think in terms of emergency situations, but that is not always the case. Years ago my father-in-law (now deceased) had a blood disorder that required blood transfusions. At first it was every six months, but as time went on, blood was needed more frequently going to every six weeks, then finally to every 10 days. Obviously, there was a point where the only thing keeping him alive was the transfused blood from others. Each week at the Communion table I’m reminded of the blood Jesus shed to take away my sins, but I had not put the Lord’s sacrifice in terms of being life-giving blood. In that sense the only thing keeping any believer alive, in this world or the next, is the blood of Jesus.

1 comment:

Steve Corey said...


-----It really isn’t very odd that in this world the simplest truth is the most true. I know several atheists. They walk and talk and breathe. They even think a little. But, at this moment in time, although they seem to emit an appearance of life (some are even generous, kind, and loving,) they are dead as doornails. They refuse to wash in the blood. If somehow our eyes adjusted to whatever kind of spiritual light might make God’s realm of spirits visible, the walking, talking, breathing, and somewhat thinking thing would become no more meaningful to the assessment of life than a rustling in the wind of a few hairs on a carcass.
-----And that is what this world is, a carcass whose hairs are rustling in the winds. It is thankful that one of the winds is God’s Spirit. It is urgent to know that while this wind rustles any hair on the carcass It so chooses, It only animates with actual living movement those hairs washed in the blood of the Lamb. For some reason, God did not want this difference to be discernable by simple eyesight. Yet He did make it discernable to humble, truth-searching mindsight.

Love you all,
Steve Corey