May 04, 2016


My husband finished his ice cream and then added water to the bowl and sat it in the sink to soak. The next morning only chocolate residue was left in the empty bowl. Apparently one of us tossed the dishcloth into the sink where it landed half in and half out of the bowl. All night long the dishcloth wicked the water from the bowl into the drain. I now have this image of sin’s tentacles, those not completely dealt with, being able to wick away at the believer’s faith. Isaiah wrote, “Woe to those who draw sin along with cords of deceit, and wickedness as with cart ropes…” (Isaiah 5:18 NIV).

1 comment:

Steve Corey said...


-----The Bible addresses Satan according to his three basic natures: Deceiver, Destroyer, and Accuser. I find it interesting that deceit is basically by design; destruction is basically a doing of that design for damage; and accusation is basically focusing attention upon another with the intent to destroy.
-----I like to use a technique called binary opposition to expand my acquaintance with and understanding of a concept or thing. Binary opposition is to view something in comparison to, in relation with, and from the perspective of its opposite, even placing the two at opposite ends of the same continuum and considering the natures of all things falling in between them.
-----One God in Three aspects is more understandable when you observe a little history in light of God’s Word. John 1:3 tells us that Jesus made all things. Jesus’ life on earth was directed by Our Father’s will. Our Father planned or designed the creation of the world, then Jesus did the creation by His plan. Our Father planned and designed Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection; Jesus did the life, death, and resurrection. The relationship between the two is mutual consideration of each other for mutual benefit to each other working ongoing creation of good.
-----I find it interesting how each basic nature by which the Bible calls Satan can be viewed through binary opposition to each of God’s three natures. God as the Father is the designer of truth. Satan is the designer of deceit. Jesus created an universe of constructivity. Satan destroys what has been created. The Holy Spirit effects and affirms the holiness of an individual and interconnects that individual with others, including God, for all their good. Satan effects and exposes faults in the individual, disconnecting them from others, including God, for their harm.
-----Between the two we feel the tugs and effects of them both, but less of the other from whom we are drawn away, and more of the one to whom we are drawn. The Bible addresses “desire” often in many ways, because it is like a magnet. We think it draws stuff to us, but it does not. It draws us to the stuff of its alignment. And like cords, it draws along others behind us through our influence and the effects of the things and situations we make or destroy.
-----This is why the Bible is so big on desiring righteousness. Everything from the understandings you have to the characteristics you become to the goodness of the things you have increases in the goodness of the Lord’s nature from one degree of glory to the next when you practice and perform focusing your desires upon the righteousness God defines. And to desire righteousness is important, because the present condition in which we live is made of two opposing magnetic fields: God’s and Satan’s. To desire righteousness is to align our magnet with His magnetic field -righteousness. And here is the deceit of Satan. Aligning our magnet with any magnetic field other than God’s is to align it with Satan’s magnetic field. Remember? He’s the deceiver, and deceit is not obvious until its destruction begins working. Thus Jesus said, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things shall be yours as well.” (Mat 6:33)
-----I love your analogy. Might we then say the wick that leads to deception is broad and much is our faith it sucks away.

Love you all,
Steve Corey