September 11, 2008

You're Invited

Leaving no stone unturned, politicians are desperate and impassioned for our vote. Rather than an irritation, I think the next couple of months can be an education in motivational techniques. For instance, if believers were as zealous in witnessing as politicians are for getting our vote, the impact on the church would be huge. I include myself when I say that many of us have fallen into the trap of thinking that if we simply invite someone to church we are somehow ‘witnessing’ for the Lord. Really, can you imagine the response of the Ninevites if, rather than being told to ‘repent’, Jonah had merely said, “If you don’t have a home church, you’re invited to worship with us in Gath Hepher.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


-----Gee, I admit possible dereliction of duty. I feel my way into the “witnessing” I do. If I sense from my conversant an aversion to the topic, I allow the peace of his or her own mind. I guess it is kind of an intellectual shaking of the dust from my feet. And I never invite anyone to my “church.” Albeit, there have been several times when I have contemplated with my conversant which church they might find more fulfilling, say a Baptist church for an intellectual type, a Church of Christ for the stodgier ones, or a Pentecostal church for those more emotional. Maybe the reason I am such a soft-spoken witness is that I do not at all relish invading realms of personal space. I don’t like rummaging through people’s personal stones, but I wonder if somehow I should do more.

Steve Corey