May 04, 2009


In war one of the first orders of spin is to claim victory. Whether it’s John McCain claiming front runner status for the Republican nomination, Goliath heckling the Israelites, or progressive leadership claim to end the traditional church. Many of us today feel the doom and gloom of defeat primarily because others keep telling us that they are victorious. The media can tell us we’re loosing when it comes to abortion, same sex marriage and prayer in school. The truth is that the victory for Jesus is in us as believers, not in the battles we’re fighting.

1 comment:

Steve Corey said...


-----This temporal life is a war. Those who claim victory, except for Jesus Christ and the Christian, fail to understand that their claim to victory is in battles at most. McCain certainly won the battle for front-runner status in the Republican nomination process, but lost the war for the presidency. For nearly eight years the liberal left slipped in the battle over abortion and same-sex marriage. Now they will gain. Satan has far more avenues to the front line than does Jesus, and if one gets choked off he has no problem diverting his energies to the next, for he is the consummate pragmatic.
-----But Jesus and the Christian need only one avenue to the front. Although they will be engaged in battle until the day the Lake of Fire is filled with its swimmers, their avenue will be the highway of peace after the last battle is over. Jesus can claim this victory now, because He has won the power and authority to end the entire war with a snap of His fingers, and He controls this power and authority by His righteous decisions. He is merely playing Satan to the pinnacle of wickedness from where He will thump him into the fire like a child thumping a fly off the dinner table. Jesus’ control of the war is His claim to victory.
-----The Christian’s battle is not for the world, the culture, or any single cultural issue. These are Jesus’ battles, and the Christian is just a faithful soldier in them. So he has no place to claim victory in these except over his own small skirmishes or the advance of a battle front. The Christian’s war is for his own salvation. Jesus has already secured that. So in as much as the Christian desires to wage war from Jesus’ side, using the weapons of Jesus’ design, he too has already won while the war yet rages, and can claim only the victory of his own eternal hope.

Love you all,
Steve Corey