May 26, 2009

Winning the Lottery

More than a few of us have envisioned winning a lottery or coming into a large unexpected inheritance. It’s interesting how generous we can be with money we don’t have. Our imagination may take us to building a new church, setting up an endowment for our favorite charity, or giving scholarships for young people to attend Christian colleges - all noble causes. On second thought, God, “…is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything, because he himself gives all men life and breath and everything else.” (Acts 17:25 NIV)

1 comment:

Steve Corey said...


-----Often I cross paths with another who has fallen upon tragic circumstances and wish I had Bill Gates’ fortune so I could fix everything for him. But it’s good that I don’t. John tells us that if we have more than a sufficient supply for ourselves, and meet another who lacks, our love is genuine only if we help. (I John 3:17) I have replaced a missing cobble in many folks roads, or driven a nail into a loose plank of their bridges. But I have never had the means to build a road or a bridge for another. My regret for that inability has led me to understand that doing so would only deprive that person of the character enrichment he must receive from the toil of building his own roads and bridges. As our government trundles down the way to socialism, taking from those who have built to give to those who won’t build, I am beginning to fear the character of those amongst whom I must live out my temporal life.

Love you all,
Steve Corey