August 11, 2009

The Disciple

My great-aunt Cleo fought going to the nursing home tooth and nail. While I was trying to encourage her by telling her God could still use her, she was telling God, ‘I’m useless, I’m ready to go to heaven and You’ve left me on earth long enough…I don’t understand why you won’t let me die’. It’s now been a month since Aunt Cleo took up permanent residence in the nursing home and all of a sudden life is worth living. It seems a fellow resident admired her strong faith and wanted a private conversation to see if Cleo could help her with her weak faith. The two of them visited for over an hour. Cleo said, “She’s elderly…well a couple years older than I am. I just hope and pray I said the right things; the things the Lord wants me to say.” Thinking that I needed to be praying for both of them, I asked Aunt Cleo the name of her new disciple. “Well, I’ve been calling her Doris, but I think others are using a different name. I need to find out who she is.” Hey I’m good with it, the name Doris works for me…besides, the Lord can sort it out.

1 comment:

Steve Corey said...


-----I have recently finished reading a great book by Jonah Goldberg titled “Liberal Fascism”. I am currently reading another great book, “The Liberal Mind, The Psychological Causes of Political Madness” written by Lyle H. Raussiter, and a revealing book, “Static” by Amy and John Goodman, two liberals who dutifully rake every conservative over the coals for even their slightest missteps. Now, having to watch Pres. Obama dismantle the principles of freedom our country was founded upon to build its new foundation of collectivism makes me so mad I could spit fire. I clearly see the nursing home he is trying to establish for us all.
-----The fundamental psychology of the physically capable individual is structured around freedom, co-operation, and competency. Competency must be practiced for freedom to provide its benefits, and co-operation must be observed for a society to emerge from individuals. But when freedom is taken away, competency atrophies into dependency, and co-operation diverts to one-way streets of masters and servants. This condition is counter to the psychology God created in the normal human mind, so the resulting captivity is mental as well as physical.
-----But freedom is not only taken from us politically. Accidents, illness, and the natural process of aging also take away our physical capabilities, forcing us to rely on the aid of others, impairing our freedom and merging our co-operation onto those one-way streets. This society deals with such circumstances by the use of nursing homes, and I understand why so many folks do not want to be subjected to them. But, alas, too often the time comes.
-----Thankfully, spiritual freedom can not be taken by either politicians or calamity. Be sure that it is assailed by both, but its fortitude against defeat is embedded in the humility of the soul finding the Truth of Christ. As Cloe humbly re-aligned her mental need for freedom with her spiritual knowledge of life in the Lord, we must also be re-aligning our mental need for freedom as Father Obama changes the free USA into one giant nursing home where we must all depend upon Papa.

Love you all,
Steve Corey