August 05, 2009


I don’t have a green bone in my body and I attribute my lack of being politically correct to my formative years. I grew up with outdoor plumbing, taking turns bathing in used bath water and no nighttime heat in the Warm Morning stove because everyone was supposed to stay cozy in bed and under the covers. I’m not bothered by ecologists who warn against leaving a carbon footprint; I am however concerned that many of us seem to shy away from leaving a spiritual footprint. We are so busy trying to keep our faith and beliefs politically correct that we don’t even stir the dust…much less leave a footprint.

1 comment:

Steve Corey said...


-----Your formative years and mine were almost identical, except our Warm Morning stove burned overnight. But I am bothered deeply by the carbon-footprint panic of ecologists. I am always sharply aware of ulterior motives, and their motives go far beyond the simple preservation of a good environment. They craftily fashion the effects of nature’s subjection to death and decay into the impending doom of a crisis for panicking the general populace. Then they present their world view to the terrified masses as the only solution to the crisis, their authority as earth’s only chance for survival, and the submission of the public will to their will as the only empowerment of hope. When I see Christians accepting this environmental Trojan horse, I shudder at the thought of the armies of deceit patiently awaiting their moment.
-----The world is broken, and the environment is not healthy. The bountiful environment this earth once enjoyed was certainly destroyed by man. But it was his choice to eat of the forbidden fruit that destroyed it. Ever since that sin, man has never been able to engage in the industries necessary to support his life without having some deleterious effect upon the eco-system. In fact, the environment was so destroyed that the very continuation of nature itself requires death. Behold! Everything eats other living things, whether plant or animal!
-----The truth is that man can do nothing to repair the damage. He can only hold it at bay. That means he must continue to hold his own death at bay by engaging in industriousness, yet cautiously avoiding the unnecessary abuse of his surroundings. This is the limit of man's ability. It is Jesus Christ who will fix the damage. The scanty images the Bible offers of the world’s conditions during His thousand year reign in Jerusalem are beautiful. However miraculously or naturally He will repair it is unknown. But that He does it, not man, is plainly obvious.
-----But as the purveyors of humanism relentlessly construct their Trojan horse outside our gates, we must do more than not help them. We must stir the dust with the truth about the condition of the world, the end of its evil age, and the One Who will end it. We may be able to buy some time before the deceived masses tow the horse into the city, but the important effect of denying political correctness is speaking the terms of truth to each soul facing eternal peril.

Love you all,
Steve Corey