July 17, 2012

American Arrogance

I’m taking an on-line Old Testament Survey class and the text highlights the pride and self-sufficiency of the Hebrews who opted for political treaties with neighboring countries rather than seeking help from the Lord. There seems to be some parallels with the Hebrews of old and today’s Americans. Rather than going to the Lord for help, we implement treaties with other countries, look at different economy theories and hold out hope for the November election. Hosea’s rebuke of the northern kingdom of Israel can easily be applied to the US. “Israel’s arrogance testifies against him, but despite all this he does not return to the LORD his God or search for him.” (Hosea 7:10 NIV)

1 comment:

Steve Corey said...


-----What makes America different from the northern kingdom is that the bigger majority of Americans do face the Lord for help. We may not want to recognize this because maybe less than a majority of them attend church regularly. However, in the hearts of even those many who do not there is still at least an abiding acknowledgment of what the Lord ought to be in their lives. They don’t buy into this, “It’s just a fetus BS.” They don’t believe we rose up from the glorious slime soup. They believe in the golden rule. And they believe God somehow at least somewhat has their backs covered. What makes America the same as the northern kingdom is that they abandon their grains of faith when time comes to support public policy. They believe public space must be sanitized of Christianity and politics should be completely devoid of it. Although many anecdotes exist of sermonettes delivered in our legislative halls, from court benches, and executive offices, when those who push start to shove any nuance of the Word of Truth in public life disappears into the silence of secrecy. That leaves America adrift without the truth in its policies and judicial rulings. America does not at all suffer from the want of godly population. It suffers from the want of that godly population’s pacifism.

Love you all,
Steve Corey