November 20, 2012

Sound the Alarm

During announcements Sunday morning, someone’s car alarm started going off in the church parking lot. At first only about three or four people got up quietly from their seats, so as not to disturb others, and headed for the exits. The alarm continued to honk and a few more folks left the building and the look on their faces said they were hoping against hope that it wasn’t their car making the disturbance. I had to laugh when I witnessed a little bit of a laying-on-of-hands as some of our men with hearing aids tried to locate the car by touching the hoods. It’s interesting that a worldly alarm can go off and mentally we start wondering if it could somehow pertain to us, but just let a spiritual alarm go off and we calmly stay seated in our chairs thinking we need not worry.


Pumice said...

Ouch and double ouch.

Grace and peace.

Steve Corey said...


-----I like to say the realm of our spirits, God’s other dimension, is more real than is this physical realm. We don’t automatically perceive its reality in a way that our emotions about it link up to our knowledge of it because we have no sensory organs through which to experience it. At least not primary ones. We definitely do have a great sensory organ for perceiving it (our intelligence,) but we must focus it very, very honestly and truly desire to perceive it. And even then we will only be able to perceive what of it is implied in the information of the Bible and what can be understood from the nature of doing the right it teaches. Moreover, what can be known about spiritual truths and spiritual alarms can not be mutually known amongst everyone present like can the blueness of the sky or the irritation of a honking horn. That honking horn is something which cannot be ignored because everyone knows everyone else hears it. But the spiritual alarm requires so much perception that we often not only wonder if we are really hearing it, we also fool ourselves about its very existence when we do hear it, being sure no one else perceives it.
-----We are sometimes right about no one else perceiving the spiritual alarm. But we are dead wrong to convince ourselves it doesn’t exist. It is more real than the honking horn, and enormously more significant.

Love you all,
Steve Corey