November 10, 2006

Casualties of War

Many men and women in the military have paid the price for America’s freedom with their lives. Christ is also a casualty of war and His death on the cross was the price paid for all who believe. In life I see a ‘Christ’s likeness’ in other Christians, but in death I see ‘Christ’s likeness’ in our veterans. “Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.” (John 15:13 NIV).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

----The war that defined the necessity of national defense and world risk was World War II. Not a month goes by that I have not in one way or another referenced World War II or those who fought for the security of the world at that time. My appreciation for those veterans and their fallen comrads is always close to the center of my thoughts on freedom and security.
----I say "close to" rather than "at" because all of the wars fought and the lives lost do not secure our freedom. Indeed they secured our freedom, but only for those moments past. It is for the wars of today and tommorrow to secure our freedom for today and tommorrow. Our appreciation of what our veterans have sacrificed for us is no more real than our own ambition to join them with our own sacrifice.
----For our military does not fight alone, the war is bigger than the battlefield. No amount of their sacrifice will benefit national or personal security unless that sacrifice is born of humility on the part of us all. The essence of humility is simply the subjection of one's self to the truth -- not to the truth as I see it, or to the truth as you see it, but to the truth as it is. That is the core of all war. For as many as do not deal with the absolute truth do not deal with what is real. As they stand in the road boxing at the air, one day the reality of a Kenworth will subject them to the truth. I do not want such people leading our country, culture, and churches because I know the One who owns and drives the Kenworth. He is the truth. We can plan to be in His way or a part of His way. We can by arrogance ruin what our fathers died for, or by humility build upon what they died for. That is at the center of my thoughts on freedom and security.