November 08, 2006

Job's Friends

Recently two friends gave me their insights on a family situation. One thought I had a pride issue and the other thought I had a control issue. Right off the top of my head I didn’t think those applied to this particular situation, however there must be something to their observations. We’ve all heard comments about Job’s friends that go something like, ‘With friends like that, who needs enemies.’ But, these were his friends and in one sense I think they were helpful in Job’s situation. Even though they didn’t offer the best counsel or the correct advice, they caused Job to reflect and evaluate his life. As for me, I’m still looking under the rocks in my heart for evidence of pride and control.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

----When I was a child Dad took our family to gather pinion nuts. I loved pinion nuts so much that the thought of picking those things out of a sticky, pokey, pinion pine tree did not bother me. I thought the sheets Mom and Dad were bringing were to sit on and eat our harvest. But things became confusing when they began spreading the sheets under the tree before we had any pinion nuts. When Dad started hammering the trunk of the tree with a double-jack, my confusion cleared up. Nuts, needles, little bits of branches, bark chips, and probably some bugs fell onto the sheets. Gathering their corners, we emptied them into buckets and drove home with a collection of stuff that had to be sorted through to find something edible.
----I find advice from friends to be like gathering those pinion nuts. Although you don't have to pound friends to shake out advice, you do have to sort through all the irrelevant stuff to find the tidbits that really apply. Even at that, if you want the most benefit from those tidbits, you have to roast them a bit just like you have to a pinion nut.