May 08, 2008

Never Boring

Every once in awhile Leslie totally rejects one of my blogs on the grounds that it’s something I’ve already written. Sometimes I rewrite it, but even if I change a few phrases it may still come out sounding like the original. I empathize with ministers who’ve serve one congregation for years and work hard to keep their sermons relevant, yet different. A friend recently said, “Some preachers seem to be worried we’ll get bored if they keep repeating the same gospel message, so they add other things to it. I think they forget that the Gospel isn’t boring. I never get tired of it. It renews and refreshes me every time I hear it.” Too bad it won’t work with Leslie. --Gail

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

-----I tell my daughters that “boring” is a relative term. Something is not boring because it rests in the category of dull and useless as placed there by the absolute sorter of truth. Something is boring because you have not found its points to be interesting. The former has to do with the observed, the latter with the observer. Therefore, when boredom lurks upon your horizon, giving all due respect to integrity, morality, and respectability, opening your eyes and your mind to what’s before you will usually dispel it.
-----Then they get to watch me in church, on some Sundays, as my chin bounces off my chest half a dozen times during the sermon.
-----”I thought boredom was relative, daddy?”
-----”Well, it is, Sweat Pea. It’s just that preachers call them ‘three point sermons’ because they only have three points of interest to deliver, giving me plenty of time to sleep in between.”


Steve Corey