September 03, 2008

Sarah and Goliath

Now don’t get me wrong, I know that Alaska Governor Sarah Palin is no ‘David’. I just happen to love stories of a David and Goliath nature. I think it’s going to be exciting to see a relatively novice elected official going up against the Political Establishment Goliath. It’s reported that Palin and McCain had met only twice and yet Sarah accepted the VP invitation, got on an airplane and jumped into the challenge. While many folks are questioning her lack of experience, her ability to maintain a family life with five kids and being able to serve in the second highest elected position in the land…I think God is smiling, He loves to see leaps of faith. Often we believers know that the Lord is behind us whispering ‘fear not’, but many of us fail to step out of our comfort zone, grab a sling and pick up a few rocks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

----It takes faith to just get out of bed in the morning. Faith is about the part of what comes next that is outside your control. David’s faith was in that an earthquake would not knock him off his feet while twirling up his sling-shot, or that a freak gust of wind would not blow the slung stone off course. Maybe David might hiccup and miss his target, or maybe he would get cut down by the arrow of a cheating Philistine before releasing the stone. These were the things outside his comfort zone. Picking up the sling and the stones were dead center in his comfort zone. He grew up with his sling. He was best with it; he knew how to focus on a target and hit it. To that part of what would come next he brought comfortable experience and skill.
-----I believe that we each find in our comfort zone the gifts God has given us. Sarah Palin has grown up with the gifts of administration and integrity: she is comfortably able to see what actually will benefit a situation, and she has the intelligence to devise plans, delegate duties, and guide the outcome to a target. All targets, little cities, a Northern state, the self serving twists of Washington politics, or the diplomatic maze of foreign affairs are just targets. Not the targets, but her abilities served her as well in the governor’s seat as David’s skill with a sling protected his flock. Her abilities served as well in the mayor’s chair as David’s sling served him hunting game. And David was no less experienced and prepared to sink a stone into Goliath’s forehead as Sarah is to sink some integrity into Washington’s skull. Both are just another target, another day. And that is what scares the juice out of liberals.

Steve Corey