December 26, 2012


Last week there was a news paper report about two fishermen lost at sea for three weeks when their boat engine died. “The water was too deep to use the anchor and the current too strong to use the oars, so the boat slowly drifted away from Jamaica.” I have this mental image of believers who find themselves in a precarious position spiritually. “We must pay more careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away.” (Heb 2:1 NIV)

1 comment:

Steve Corey said...


-----Your analogies are sometimes priceless. I have never been far enough out on a body of water so large that I could not see at least some of its shoreline. I can imagine, though, the sea sprawling 360 degrees all the way to the horizon, in every direction everything looking the same as everything in every other direction, except for the march of the waves. In such a setting it becomes really important to know a few things in specific that would allow you to maintain a sense of direction, all of us knowing how important direction is when being upon the seas. That knowledge has to be revealed to the seafarer by someone who knows it, because it is not evident enough in the waves and skies for the uninformed to just observe them and learn. So then also, the spiritual seas we must sail require a bit of specific knowledge to avoid situations which can carry us away from where we thought to go. “What we have heard” is that little bit of specific knowledge, and by the identity of “we”, its center is known to be the Bible.

Love you all,
Steve Corey