December 05, 2012

Hit and Run

A couple months ago my friend was driving into my driveway when she was rear ended by an SUV. As Sharon’s van spun around 180 degrees, the teenage driver in the other car screeched to a stop, turned to talk to his passenger, then floored the accelerator and sped off. The expression that ran across the driver’s face was, “We’re in big trouble. What should I do? Maybe if we can get out of here fast enough no one will catch us and no will know who we are.” Little did the driver realize that two witnesses wrote down his licenses plate number, and three others were able to make written police reports of the incident. I can imagine that the same image of fear and flight runs across our faces when we sin. We think that a fast getaway from the scene will keep our sin from being exposed…and we too think there are no witnesses.

1 comment:

Steve Corey said...


-----I was a little surprised to read the other day that the decisions and actions we make are reasoned and offered into our consciousness within a full second prior to our conscious thinking or doing them. It sounded a little strange to me. And even though this tidbit of “knowledge” comes from the research of respected psychologists, I’m not yet buying it in full. However, from my own introspective observations, I know that maybe not for all, but for most or many thoughts and actions, it is exactly true.
-----When I do something I know I should not, either by the stupidity which often brews up from deep within me or completely from my willful conscious, I know those people who see me do it or any other people whom they might tell are twice removed from being my biggest problem. God knows what is brewing in me and what I will do even before I will know it. My biggest problem would be God. It is not that He is going to strike me dead for what I’ve done, or that He might even not allow me to enter His kingdom because of it. It is that He might be showing me to actually be what is not His. I do not want that. God is my first problem not because He sees what I do or think, but rather because I avow the truth of my deadness if I run from knowing He sees, or the truth of my life when I run to Him because He sees. Thankfully, it is an easy problem to solve. Draw near to Him with confidence!
-----Which passes me to the solving of my next biggest problem. God knows what I am before I was. His Book of Life says right now who I will be forevermore. But I do not have His non-chronological vantage point. I have to watch my pieces stack into place like every other human does, not knowing the end product, allthough having it planned in general. Every piece of my life, every completing moment makes a statement about who I truly am. I might wish to be one thing, but if I act and think something else, then I am not what I wish. I will either fool myself about my thoughts and actions, or notice the difference about them. Since I often can not help the difference, noticing it is the least of what I want. I am not going to do very many things in this life really well, let alone nearly perfectly. I am a mess when compared to Christ. And I am ok with that for now, being forgiven. Because what is really important to me is that I respond honestly to the differences I discern. Honest confession renders each brick that is my each moment into the nature of security rather than of entrapment so that my bricks will stack into the wall of a fortress rather than one of of a prison.
-----What other people know of what I think or do? Well, they can effect me only temporarily. Sure, temporary comfort is better than temporary distress. But temporary ends. Then truth will control everything. I’ll have my wall built in it's frame of mind, even if it doesn’t look so pretty from this side of eternity. What good then will running do in the meantime?

Love you all,
Steve Corey