May 23, 2013

And You Call Yourself

As Christians our words and actions are, and should be, under scrutiny. Unfortunately when non-believers and fellow believers alike don’t like what they see or hear they make the charge, ‘And they call themselves a Christian’. Usually when we hear such an accusation we shrug our shoulders and change the subject. Rarely do we come to the defense of that Christian. We seem to forget that all believers are entitled to wear the name Christian because we have accepted Jesus as our Lord and Savior; the only disqualifier is if we reject Christ. You have to admit though that the accusatory phrase often stifles our witness. I’m now wondering…are we missing an effective tool against liberal tolerance and anti-American sentiments. Maybe in disgust we should start the mantra, “And you call yourself an American.”

1 comment:

Steve Corey said...


-----I get cranky over opinions based on anything other than verified facts and sound logic. When anybody lays a charge against whatever they see or hear based only upon whether they do or don’t like it, the hackles go up on the back of my neck. Truth and falsehood are determined in the least according to the pleasures of tastes. Yet this style of thinking has become the new American paradigm.
-----Consider the case of Barrack Obama. The big majority of Americans approve of his job performance. These same folks believe the Fast and Furious scheme, the Affordable Hellth Care debacle, the Benghazi cover-up, the Tsarnaev snafu, the IRS witch hunt, and the illegal DOJ snooping out AP, FOX, and CBS phone records are serious issues. With all ire driven suspicion Americans pushed the buck up against the Oval Office door when W was in there. Nothing was too minor to be a major scandal of W. But for Barry O they carry the buck to the nearest commode and flush it. Why? If reality determines scandal, then W was mostly innocent and Barry O is the very epitome of guilt. But sentiment determines scandal in the new, transformed America. And America’s new sentiment rides a glittering unicorn to the melodious tunes of Barry O’s mass-media praised voice.
-----Slick Willy was the turning point. The man couldn’t open his eyes without mentally stripping a chick or his mouth without lying. Most Americans very well knew this, too, even his constituency (or should they be called “con stitch you ‘n see!”?) The underlying debate of Slick’s eight years was about whether or not character mattered. “Not” won. But only concerning Democrats, as the eight years of W clarified. W was of impeccable character, though not exactly brilliant discernment. Still he was shamed like trash because his good character did not match God’s. Everything gone awry was his fault, his scandal, even Katrina. Yet hurricane Sandy rescued Barry O’s loosing poll numbers, and a bad Oklahoma tornado now obscures his perfect storm of scandals. All of this is because America no longer thinks; it feels.
-----And it doesn’t even feel well. It would be partially excusable if it felt like at least some righteousness. But it feels for deceit all the time about everything anymore. Indeed, deception is a part of humanity, “Let God be true, though every man be false.” (Rom 3:4) But humility adjusts man’s depraved mind back to a relatively effective state. Arrogance sets man’s falsehood upon the driver’s seat. The same arrogance which pushed Slick Willy’s buck up against W’s door now flushes Barry O’s down the commode.
-----Does God yet care about America? I believe so. I believe He always gives man an opportunity to get it right, rather than just lowering the boom. Barry O posted America’s healing ointment on the internet. That birth certificate was forged because he does not have a real one. God is searching for truth standing courageously. If we who are yet thinking Americans were not cowering from the deceived flack of all the feeling Americans, this imposter would quickly be thrown out with all his evil laws and both his anti-constitution appointees to the Supreme Court. But our courage is zip. America is transformed. Truth no longer reigns here. Thinkers are the new un-America.

Love you all,
Steve Corey