May 24, 2013

One Flesh

One of the many issues the Pharisees tested Jesus on was lawful divorce. Jesus refreshed their memory that God made us male and female and when we are united in marriage we become one flesh. “So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate.” (Matthew 19:6 NIV) I find it’s interesting that the Lord is using the collective ‘let man not separate’, but yet it appears that with the recognition of civil unions man has indeed separated what God has joined together.

1 comment:

Steve Corey said...


-----Civil unions are just another brick in the wall. I’ve experienced more than one gay “couple” through my career. Twenty years ago I served a pair of very quaint elderly ladies. They both had enjoyed distinguished careers, and they had been sharing everything in happiness since their youth. They continued to their last breathe, indeed, joined together. One year I noticed a client of mine turned up divorced and remarried to the divorced wife of another of my clients. A couple weeks later, that other client showed up married to the divorced wife of the first. Now, twenty years later, both couples are happy and sincerely cordial to each other. I’ve had several gay friends, too. All were good people for whose friendships I remain thankful. So too, Boy Scouts still help Granny across the street, their campfires will yet flicker, and after the topic of who’s gay and who isn’t dissipates into the night air, nobody will notice. Nobody will care. Life goes on, today, with the same gayness in it that has been here from the beginning.
-----Man hasn’t actually separated what God has joined together; godly marriage still exists; I yet love Char dearly. We remain joined. Nobody is idiotic enough to think gays were not amongst us until these last forty years. They worked and played and bought their food, and people whispered. They kept their gayness to themselves and their most trusted friendships, because it certainly was not honored then. For God had joined desire for His righteousness and wisdom and ways (though not in perfection) together with a nation of people (though not in total.) But good and numerous enough were they that peace and freedom and happiness (though not entirely) became our lives on a scale not often seen in this miserable, slave making world. Happiness didn‘t make us live. Happiness is merely a definition any individual prescribes to his own set of variables; I’ve seen children happy to pull wings off butterflies. Happiness became our lives because we accepted God’s prescriptions for our variables, though not thoughtfully.
-----But now drug abuse seeks the freedom perversion found in preferences given one race over another by a government defining happiness as plucking the wings off one class of people for distribution to another, none of which were God’s ideas. Had we held His prescriptions thoughtfully instead of emotionally, we would not have been fooled by all the brilliantly glittering iron-pyrite roads to happiness paved by philosophies of the heart. But we bit into those. And we now mistake the joining together of Bart and Carl, Jane and Jill, and the soon to come Bob and Bowser as what God has joined, too. Because we think little, we fail to see that the joining of man and woman extends beyond the man or the woman to a joining of their behaviors, their thoughts and imaginations and desires and ambitions with what pleases God. From that man separates, carefully laying another brick into his own prison wall.

Love you all,
Steve Corey