July 18, 2006

New Rule

I’ve played board games and cards with buddies who, in good natured fun, try to change the rules to their advantage. My protest of, “You can’t do that, it’s against the rules.” is often countered with, “New rule, new rule!” Oh sure, make up the rules as you go along. I hate to admit it, but when I become aware of church leadership planning to make changes to the Bylaws, I suspiciously hear, “New rule, new rule.” I suppose I’m uneasy because proposals for tweaking the Bylaws only surface when we hire new ministers. I wonder why church members, without having an opportunity to give their input, are asked to ‘endorse’ changes. Unless there are ulterior motives, I honestly don’t understand why Bylaws that have served a congregation well for many years need to be changed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

----I have read the Church's bylaws, and the events of the last few years have made it quite apparent that there needs to be some changes made to them. But that is as far as my point of view differs from yours. You and I both know these elders and what is behind their ambitions for the Lord.
----I must admit that I only speak from speculation about the changes that they desire to make to the bylaws. I do not find it coincidental that while the "unity" within the eldership has been continous in principle from 2000 to now, the current eldership finds a great "need" to change the bylaws. One of the necessary steps in purpose-driving a church is the changing of its bylaws. For several monthes early this century the Saddleback Church (poster-church for the purpose-driven church) had its bylaws posted on the internet for open parusal. I am sure that was not coincidence either. When the elders do propose the bylaw changes to the church, I will not be surprised if they closely resemble those of the Saddleback Church.
----So, in this game, I fear these "new rules" desired by the elders are "old rules" of a different game. It would be like they are trying to morph the game from Pinochle to Canasta in mid-hand.